Wow, went to the event last night. Lots of crashing on a difficult track. It had a vertical jump at the end of the whoops with no landing jump. OUCH! Also had a very short start into 1st corner, several guys got wadded up there. Intermission had a freestyle show. They, as always, showed some awesome skill and made it look easy. They finished off with a "trick train." They were launching right behind the guy in front of them. The last set was the one that caused the problem. 4 bikes, 4 backflips, maybe 4 foot apart. Rider number 4 under rotated just enough to hang the front wheel, just like the Jeremy Lusk crash. Another big OUCH!!!! The guy on the Mule was busy all night. Its on today on Speedvision. Awesome race, and I did you the favor of not giving up the results.