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Offline khaavet

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need some help just bought kx 500
« on: February 23, 2009, 12:32:59 PM »
so here is the story i bought a kx 500 1990 bike was 100% stock owner had it since it was new.all he ever did was change oil clean filter new chain and tire and put a 15 tooth gear up front and he had changed the rings i took the bike out and was not happy bike ran good WOT but had a hard time getting the front end up Yes even in low gears 2,3,4 so i tore into it replaced piston,rings,reeds,sproket in front to a 14, redid packed silencer. and still it seems like the bike is very boggie and kinda dead on the bottem end like i have the choke on. now i am changing the clutch as we speak (about time after 19 years) so my guess is one of 2 things my jetting is off (set at stock 168 main 60 slow clip at 3) or my cylinder is totally shot (did not have any freddie couger marks in it looked good) any body have any good ideas
thank you  :? :? :? :? :? :-P
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Re: need some help just bought kx 500
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2009, 12:57:53 PM »
Are the power valves working properly?

Offline khaavet

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Re: need some help just bought kx 500
« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2009, 03:42:04 PM »
I think so what is the best way to check thank you for the input
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Re: need some help just bought kx 500
« Reply #3 on: February 23, 2009, 04:31:22 PM »
I think so what is the best way to check thank you for the input

It's just a slightly "educated" guess.

The last time the previous owner did a top end, he likely didn't get the power valves back in correctly....backwards is very common.
Good way to buy a cheap bike with only a minor problem, though. LOL 

If I just did a top end and the bike didn't run right...I would assume I got the power valves in wrong.

Best way to find out...yank the top end and check the power valves.

If they don't work right, the bike won't run right.
Even with a horrible cylinder and some carb probs, that bike should still pretty much run like a raped ape.
Unless you are at a way different altitude or something....jetting all by itself shouldn't make the bike run that bad.

If it's easier,.....make sure there is no schmucky stuff in the carb.....and make sure the screen in the petcock is clean of schmuch from sitting.

I could tell you 500 things to look at after all the work you did....but my first thing would be checking those power valves....other then simply going over the extremely obvious....air/fuel mixture, etc. stuff that could have been done wrong when either you or the previous owner tore it down.
Stuff happens, ya know...the phone rings, whatever.
Go easy when you pull the cylinder and you might be able to reuse the base and head gaskets.

What does the spark plug look like? Look at it and smell it.

Offline khaavet

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Re: need some help just bought kx 500
« Reply #4 on: February 23, 2009, 05:31:41 PM »
The spark plug is wet and smells like gas.  If I take off the pipe I shoulde be Abel to c the power valves and see if they are installed correctlly right? They are closed when the rod is pushed all the way in and open when the rod is pulled out. How can I check if it is working when the bike is running. Sorry kinda new to this kipps system.
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Re: need some help just bought kx 500
« Reply #5 on: February 23, 2009, 07:47:10 PM »
The spark plug is wet and smells like gas.  If I take off the pipe I shoulde be Abel to c the power valves and see if they are installed correctlly right? They are closed when the rod is pushed all the way in and open when the rod is pulled out. How can I check if it is working when the bike is running. Sorry kinda new to this kipps system.

Yeah, sure could.

Ok....then check and see if it operates smoothly.....before you even pull the pipe.
You need to determine if it's working.
It's an "educated" guess on my part, based on a short blurb you put up.

When you did the top end....did you look at the power valves?


Offline KX500freak

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Re: need some help just bought kx 500
« Reply #6 on: February 23, 2009, 09:45:15 PM »
so here is the story i bought a kx 500 1990 bike was 100% stock owner had it since it was new.all he ever did was change oil clean filter new chain and tire and put a 15 tooth gear up front and he had changed the rings i took the bike out and was not happy bike ran good WOT but had a hard time getting the front end up Yes even in low gears 2,3,4 so i tore into it replaced piston,rings,reeds,sproket in front to a 14, redid packed silencer. and still it seems like the bike is very boggie and kinda dead on the bottem end like i have the choke on. now i am changing the clutch as we speak (about time after 19 years) so my guess is one of 2 things my jetting is off (set at stock 168 main 60 slow clip at 3) or my cylinder is totally shot (did not have any freddie couger marks in it looked good) any body have any good ideas
thank you  :? :? :? :? :? :-P

does it surges @ bottom end,could be the mainjet ,60 could be slightly to big.
i am at sealevel and my k5,s have 58 main
what premix ratio u run ??
does it smoke excessive?

The spark plug is wet and smells like gas.  If I take off the pipe I shoulde be Abel to c the power valves and see if they are installed correctlly right? They are closed when the rod is pushed all the way in and open when the rod is pulled out. How can I check if it is working when the bike is running. Sorry kinda new to this kipps system.

thats no good ,plug should be dry and tan colored.
for check on the kips there,s a tun of knowledge bout kips ,its valves and rods ,allen bolt mod etc:
utfs  :wink:

for valve operating check:
remove the expansion chamber that sits at the base (right side cyl)
it,s the little grey cap ,take it off ,start the motor ,give it a few revs ,
best done when warmed up allready btw.
you will see the rod come out when you rev it,and it goes in when you let go of the throttle
Dutch Team Green 91-94-01 KX500

Offline khaavet

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Re: need some help just bought kx 500
« Reply #7 on: February 24, 2009, 04:02:57 AM »
okay guys thank you i will check and c if the kips is working right waiting for my new clutch now shoulde have it in a few days. i am running 40:1 ratio at 2500 to 3000ft above sea level so im sure my jetting is way off being that im running stock jetting at 168 main 60pilot jet and 3 on clip waiting for new jets i got a 165 main 55 pilot and i will put the clip at 2nd from the topp i hope this will work i cant wait to feel the widow maker power :lol: :lol:
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Re: need some help just bought kx 500
« Reply #8 on: February 24, 2009, 05:30:03 AM »
It won't be a widow maker if you speak nicely to it at all times.  :-D

Ok, back up a few steps....can you tell me why you just bought a bike....rode it, it was experiencing some serious performance problems....and you're first thought was to tear it all down rather then give the guy you bought it from a knuckle sammich?
Did you get it super cheap....did the guy you bought it from tell you it didn't run right?

Fill in some details here.
What was wrong with the clutch?

This is not a 4 stroke...and it is a bike/motor that will run almost no matter what. A minor jetting problem is not going to make the bike behave the way you are describing. It might sputter and burble, whatever....not run well....but it'll still pick up that front end with a crack of the throttle.
It may sputter, sputter then wheelie and scare the do-do out of you....but it'll still wheelie.  :-o
I used to live at 7000+ ft.....2-3K won't make that much of a difference. Not enough to make the bike not run. 

Offline khaavet

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Re: need some help just bought kx 500
« Reply #9 on: February 24, 2009, 06:24:46 AM »
well ibought the bike for 850 dollars so i think that is a good deal the guy i bought it from did not know about bikes. like i said he never changed the clutch in 19 years so i think that it is fried all he ever did was change the rings once about 10 years ago this bike was riden about 15-20 trips per year so it got a fair amount of hours on it. i think it is a combo of things the kips may not be working correctly the jetting is off the clutch is bad so i have to do the jetting check the kips change the clutch after that has been done the only thing i can think off is that the cylinder is done and needs to be re plated
what do you guys think? :?
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Offline gwcrim

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Re: need some help just bought kx 500
« Reply #10 on: February 24, 2009, 07:17:39 AM »
No power on a two stroke, the first thing I'd do is check the compression.  The thing should still wheelie even if the KIPS is not working.  It ain't a Honda 70 ya know?
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Offline khaavet

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Re: need some help just bought kx 500
« Reply #11 on: February 24, 2009, 07:37:09 AM »
okay so other then feeling the pressure on kick starter how do i measure the compression in the cylinder is this something the dealer needs to do for me
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Offline KX500freak

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Re: need some help just bought kx 500
« Reply #12 on: February 24, 2009, 08:04:48 AM »
No power on a two stroke, the first thing I'd do is check the compression.  The thing should still wheelie even if the KIPS is not working.  It ain't a Honda 70 ya know?

i had kips disfunctioning once ,i immediately noticed 50 % drop of power ..
had to re-connnect the lever to the rod ..did it and there was the power again.

okay so other then feeling the pressure on kick starter how do i measure the compression in the cylinder is this something the dealer needs to do for me

they make gauges for compression testing
pull plug ,insert nozzle of the gauge ,then kick the hell out of it.
all with cold engine ,kick untill the meter settles ,that,ll be your compression

don,t have the shopmanual here, but search for the in spec. numbers

Dutch Team Green 91-94-01 KX500

Offline khaavet

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Re: need some help just bought kx 500
« Reply #13 on: February 24, 2009, 08:40:35 AM »
okay thank you guys i will try the kips first then if that does not work i will go the compression route
crossing my fingers and hoping for som widow maker power  :-D
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Re: need some help just bought kx 500
« Reply #14 on: February 24, 2009, 08:47:54 AM »
well ibought the bike for 850 dollars so i think that is a good deal the guy i bought it from did not know about bikes. like i said he never changed the clutch in 19 years so i think that it is fried all he ever did was change the rings once about 10 years ago this bike was riden about 15-20 trips per year so it got a fair amount of hours on it. i think it is a combo of things the kips may not be working correctly the jetting is off the clutch is bad so i have to do the jetting check the kips change the clutch after that has been done the only thing i can think off is that the cylinder is done and needs to be re plated
what do you guys think? :?

Ok, there were more posts while I was typing.
After reading your response, my best advice to you would be to buy a manual...Clymer is very good....and ask a local friend with some mechanical knowledge to help you.

It is likely that getting help on the internet might not be the best way to get your bike running well. It's not an insult, just advice.

A compression test gauge can be bought at most auto parts will come with them thoroughly before you even start.
It would be a lot easier to have a friend help with the process. It's not impossible to do by yourself....but it is far easier with an extra pair of hands.

Anyway....good luck to you.
