Author Topic: California's DMV's suck. how about yours?  (Read 7714 times)

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Offline turtle22

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California's DMV's suck. how about yours?
« on: February 23, 2009, 10:11:15 AM »
so i bought (he pretty much gave me for$100)this 1991 kx500 from a good friend of mine that restores ventage 2 strokes. he had owned the bike for 5or6yrs and done nothing with it. knowing how much i love my2001 kx500 he figured i would put it to good use.the bike was in good shape. i spent about 10 hours fixing,fab'n and making stuff right on the bike. the brakes r next. the bike fires on first good kick(no sissy kicks on this bike).
so i want to ride it friday(carnegie ohv),i load(in the crazy pouring down rain) the bike up inthe back of the toyota4x4 and haul it to dmv(thats department of motor vehicle/fyi). so im not sure what everyones else has to do to get there bikes registered,but i think i could find away to cure cancer faster then i can get a tag for my bike.
first i have to stand in a line to get a number,so i can wait for a nother line to stand in. after almost two hours its finally my turn. i hand the lady(troll in human skin) my paper work and explain, slowly and clearly that i would like to do a title transfer and register the bike. she asks is the bike here"yes i reply(now i want to point out that this will play in to the story later). so she looks at my paper work(which consest of a hand writen note from the owner&and a dmv paper i was give at the first line) and says with a mensing grin"where is the pink slip"(the owners title). to which i reply"he said he lost it" i thought the trap door under my feet was going to open and trop me to the lions,she/it looked sooooo happy,i had now gave her the way to make my life hell. she types a couple lines(probley telling all the other trolls that dinner(me)would be ready in a minute. she tells me "sure ur going to have to take this bike to the CHP(california highway patrol) to have them do a vin verifacation. so here we go. i tell why? u ran the numbers it did not come back stolen,the bike is outside,go look to make sure the numbers match. with a wicked laught she tells me in a not so kind way that it was new"policy" to send all of these cases to the chp.
so insted of me getting my title i get a stupid temp use permit, had to make an appointment(almost a month away,the soonest they had open)with the chp,and the great oppertunite to go wait in the dmv lines one more time. Yah
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Offline Johnniespeed

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Re: California's DMV's suck. how about yours?
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2009, 02:18:25 PM »
Yes different state same DMV ( we call it Secretary of State) I assembled my Isetta from about six different cars ( pics in gallery ) Got five different bills of sale, got weighed by registered scalemaster. had inspected by State Police, filled out all the forms had all the  documents and still got grief from them.
 By the way, the car weighs 850, Secretary of State computor would not accept such a little weight, had to lie and say 1850.
 Secretary of State computor would not accept that the car has one door ( it does ) had to lie and say it has two doors.
 Finally got the title and is says my car weighs 1850 and has two doors. How nice, a legal ownership document that is not even acurate. When a computor program has no provision for acuracy, the system is broken.
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Offline turtle22

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Re: California's DMV's suck. how about yours?
« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2009, 02:58:03 PM »
thats way out. i looked for ur pics in the gallery,could not find ur file. i have never heard of the car u build,nor seen a car with one door that my harley almost out wieghts. where was it built? what yr?
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Offline Danger4u2

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Re: California's DMV's suck. how about yours?
« Reply #3 on: February 23, 2009, 02:59:09 PM »
Okla. did not title off highway vehicles until 2005.  Notarized bill of sale will get you a title and off road sticker.  Proof of lighting, speedometer, odometer and $93.50 will get you out with street title and tag.
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Offline JohnJr

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Re: California's DMV's suck. how about yours?
« Reply #4 on: February 23, 2009, 03:09:39 PM »
Hey guys,California sucks to me about your motorcycle rules ,you guys have to have stickers and go thru the B.S. for a DIRT BIKE that is a low down shame, what is their problem.Im glad here in Virginia we dont go thru that nonsense you buy a used bike from somebody thats it,you can ride on any day you want,when you want,LOL,John

Offline turtle22

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Re: California's DMV's suck. how about yours?
« Reply #5 on: February 23, 2009, 03:53:58 PM »
thats the way it should be.
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Offline Johnniespeed

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Re: California's DMV's suck. how about yours?
« Reply #6 on: February 24, 2009, 02:02:57 PM »
turtle 22 , go to the gallery page two. My album is under my Johnniespeed name. Click on my album and look for a bright yellow car. These Isetta's were made from about late 1955 to about 1964. Mine is made by BMW and was made in Germany. There were many other companies and places they were made, but that is too long a story.
 Yes it really does have only one door, yes it has four wheels but looks like a three wheeler. ( I promise FOUR wheels ) Yes it weighs about 850 lbs. The top speed is 63 mph.The fuel mileage is 60 MPG. It seats two adults very comfortably. Yes it is a 1957 model.It only has one cylinder. Yes it is four stroke. Yes the motor is BMW.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2009, 12:16:47 AM by Danger4u2 »
Spring is here and the Mighty 500 wants to ride.
 2004 KX500 E16
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Offline zokalr13

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Re: California's DMV's suck. how about yours?
« Reply #7 on: February 28, 2009, 04:03:38 PM »
Ive inquired today at the shop where i got my [ex] 05 TE510 plated about plateing[baja kit] my 2000 KX500 and he dissuaded me from doing it saying that the 2 stroke race bike makes a lousy street bike,will cause engine stress blah blah...i only need a plate so i can be insured when i ride up logging roads nearby my house but would also like to ride to work if i could..i think a streeted KX5 would be awesome but he dashed my dream...i dont want to have to buy a DRz or some heavy slow dual sport to ride to work so what advice or direction can you guys give me about this dilemma??????..

Offline turtle22

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Re: California's DMV's suck. how about yours?
« Reply #8 on: February 28, 2009, 06:28:46 PM »
Ive inquired today at the shop where i got my [ex] 05 TE510 plated about plateing[baja kit] my 2000 KX500 and he dissuaded me from doing it saying that the 2 stroke race bike makes a lousy street bike,will cause engine stress blah blah...i only need a plate so i can be insured when i ride up logging roads nearby my house but would also like to ride to work if i could..i think a streeted KX5 would be awesome but he dashed my dream...i dont want to have to buy a DRz or some heavy slow dual sport to ride to work so what advice or direction can you guys give me about this dilemma??????..
look at the kx500 super motard forum topic. kxfreak and some others have mad sic ass street bikes out of the kx500(k5).there are some cool videos of some of the sumo(super motard)
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Offline zokalr13

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Re: California's DMV's suck. how about yours?
« Reply #9 on: March 05, 2009, 11:59:11 AM »
ah,i dont speak DUTCH and i need more relevant info for CANADA -im just asking, a KX500 doable and is it possible to street -legalize in CANADA??? its just that im sooo close to my riding area and work that plating my KX500 would make sense if it costs $$$ ill do it ...but if its like NO-WAY NEVER NOT POSSIBLE HAHAHA etc, then ill just get a DR650 and ride my KX500 with trailer 5 min from my home [ grrr] cmon, anyone got any info on this????

Offline Sofus

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Re: California's DMV's suck. how about yours?
« Reply #10 on: March 05, 2009, 08:49:38 PM »
Be glad that you aren't in Denmark.

If I want to register a new bike, it needs an model aproval. Almost no MX bikes comes with a model aproval, BUT you can get a single aproval for your bike. That is IF you have proff of noise and pollution levels, which will cost you ~$4000 to get. If you get the noise and pollution level ducuments, then you will have to pay tax a small equaling 180% of the bikes value (yes almost 2 times the real value in TAX), then you get your tag.

If the bike has previously been tagged in europe, it is enough to get it inspected, and then stand in line at the tax office (they handle licenseplates), but you need the previous "pink slip", else you'll have to get in contact with the police and wait for months while they track down your bike.

Offline turtle22

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Re: California's DMV's suck. how about yours?
« Reply #11 on: March 10, 2009, 10:04:42 AM »
okay u win that is WAT worse then what i have to deal with here. i guess the marked on good used bikes is pretty pricey. but hey i bet u dont have a lot of idiots around u when ur on the trails 8-)
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Offline khaavet

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Re: California's DMV's suck. how about yours?
« Reply #12 on: March 10, 2009, 10:16:12 AM »
hey turtle22 where in california are you
this might help you if you are close to ventura if you call ventura chp you do not need an appointment to do vin verifacation or if you have a buddy that is chp he can sign off on it. i did it at the ventura one after being told i had to wait 2 months for my appointment in woodland hills
hope this helps :?
my bikes
kx 70
kx 80
cr 250
yz 490
yz 125
yz 250
zx 636r (for sale)
1990 kx 500 current bike

Offline turtle22

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Re: California's DMV's suck. how about yours?
« Reply #13 on: March 10, 2009, 11:26:36 AM »
im in Sacramento. the have a chp like that in newcastle,ca but u have to be a resident of placer county. gay i know. im not triping, my appt. is next wednesday,so no worries. but thanks for the info. i should be riding pismo beach the 1st weekend of april. how far is that from u?
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Offline zokalr13

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Re: California's DMV's suck. how about yours?
« Reply #14 on: March 12, 2009, 02:17:54 PM »
well i guess im gonna have to wait for hell to freeze  :evil: over before i street my KX500 :x- so for now i got me an old DR650 to ride around for now and i will tear down the KX this spring and get it restored and ready to ride :roll: thanks for the help BTW -it came in handy as i gave the 2k to the guy i bought the DR650 from instead of the baja kit and stator and insurance.......  :?   K5 forever!!!