Author Topic: K5 with sidecar?  (Read 10041 times)

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Offline Norway

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K5 with sidecar?
« on: February 21, 2009, 10:50:37 PM »
Are there anyone who use the K5 in sidecar racing? Any pics?
Have been thinking of making a sidecar on my old K5,
since none seem`s to have one....... :roll:
I`ve allready got my cross-cart with the K5 engine,
and now I need a new projekt...! :-D

Low-cost racing was the idea... Used to be...

Offline GDubb

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Re: K5 with sidecar?
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2009, 12:08:17 AM »
 :-o Wow... that thing looks like entirely too much fun!

Rock it 'til the wheels fall off!

"It's not what you ride... It's who you're riding for!" - -

Offline Norway

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Re: K5 with sidecar?
« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2009, 06:31:23 AM »
It`s an awsome beast.....!!
Low-cost racing was the idea... Used to be...

Offline bunk

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Re: K5 with sidecar?
« Reply #3 on: February 23, 2009, 08:07:36 AM »
Do you have any video of it?
01' 500


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Re: K5 with sidecar?
« Reply #4 on: February 23, 2009, 10:58:59 AM »
Are there anyone who use the K5 in sidecar racing? Any pics?

Yes. Most definately. Where are you?
I own 2 myself....and have my hands on 2 more KX500 powered sidecars.
There are many, many more in Europe.

My best advice for you is to NOT try to build a sidecar out of a solobike. Find an already made, specially made to be a sidecar, frame.
If you are serious about this project, let me know where you are....and I'll do my best to try to give you good info, maybe even hook you up with someone fairly locally.
Home built sidecars are basically a thing of the past...unless you REALLY know what you are doing....which most people don't.
One guy here in the states did build one from scratch (not sure what he used to power it)....but did so after spending a lot of time and doing research directly with sidecar frame makers.
A home built sidecar will likely be a lot of work, and not nearly as much fun as doing it right to begin with.


Offline turtle22

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Re: K5 with sidecar?
« Reply #5 on: February 24, 2009, 08:35:07 AM »
i just have to say,that looks like a whole new kind of crazy :-o how much funny that must be!!!!!!!!!!! do u pilot or ride in the sidecar? how does the converation go when asking someone to ride in the sidecar? "hey,u know what would be fun? if u hung off the side of my bike as i haul butt around this track" :lol: do u have videos on youtube?
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Re: K5 with sidecar?
« Reply #6 on: February 24, 2009, 09:04:47 AM »
i just have to say,that looks like a whole new kind of crazy :-o how much funny that must be!!!!!!!!!!! do u pilot or ride in the sidecar? how does the converation go when asking someone to ride in the sidecar? "hey,u know what would be fun? if u hung off the side of my bike as i haul butt around this track" :lol: do u have videos on youtube?

It is a LOT of fun. It is the only TRUE team motorsport.
As far as getting new's generally best to wait for someone to say those magic words....."I always wanted to try that!"
For every 10 you take for a ride....maybe 1 will take a second ride.

Yes, there is footage on Youtube. I am at home with slow dial up....when I get to the shop with that new fangled nifty DSL, I'll hunt up some footage for you...or simply search "sidecar".

I am a passenger. AKA Monkey....though it's almost like the N word to call a passenger in Europe a monkey. It is excepted American slang, for the most part.

Anyway, I love it. Think it's the coolest sport on the planet. I am basically a novice level solobike it lets me get to speeds I simply cannot, will not do by myself. takes a *special* sorta personality. I wouldn't say crazy. Until you do it, you don't really understand that though you don't actually have the throttle in your are in more control of the rig as a passenger then the guy that does have the throttle.
Guys, in particular, have an issue seemingly giving up "control"....until they realize how much control they actually have.
Without the passenger....the rig won't turn....not only will it not turn....but it can flip. The passenger is not just "along for the ride".

Keep asking questions....I'll talk about sidecars all day!  :mrgreen:

Offline KX500freak

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Re: K5 with sidecar?
« Reply #7 on: February 24, 2009, 09:23:18 AM »
thorina ,maybe i have  something for you to watch
its sumosidecar racing in holland

Dutch Team Green 91-94-01 KX500

Offline turtle22

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Re: K5 with sidecar?
« Reply #8 on: February 24, 2009, 10:58:35 AM »
i just got to say"WHAT THE F*UK IS WRONG WITH U GUY"? with sidecars and sumo my head is spinning. 8-) d**n someone must have forgot to tell all of u,"hey those are DIRTBIKES" never in my life would i have thoght to do have the stuff ive seen on this forum if i had not seen it here. u all are CRAZY(and i like it) that video of the Mike dude on the sumo,going from street to dirt burms, back to street(in a wheelie) and the way those guys are climbing all over the bikes w/the side cars. wayout. we have some flat track racing(dirt oval,bikes with one big gear,no brakes) and ive seen them run sidecars(once) but thats the closes we get
lets ride

Offline KX500freak

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Re: K5 with sidecar?
« Reply #9 on: February 24, 2009, 11:28:49 AM »
hell yeah !! wicked vid aint,it  :-D
its sick ,man do i love sumosidecars..

a belgian buddy of me is gonna build one ,
from an excisting eml kx500 combo
he ,ll prolly put his project here too p

we agreed ill be his ridingmate ,
bit sad i,m 200 miles away
Dutch Team Green 91-94-01 KX500


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Re: K5 with sidecar?
« Reply #10 on: February 24, 2009, 12:02:29 PM »

this is a buddy of ours....crashing on Engineer's corner this past year at Pike's Peak.

Here's an 18 second clip of me at Pike's peak a couple years ago. Yeah....dyslexic monkey...riding bike 51....with a GIANT 15 on my back
Jersey maker error.

These are the Europeans.....they do it right. We just pretend on this side of the pond:

I could post links all day.....I really could.


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Re: K5 with sidecar?
« Reply #11 on: February 24, 2009, 12:31:25 PM »
hell yeah !! wicked vid aint,it  :-D
its sick ,man do i love sumosidecars..

a belgian buddy of me is gonna build one ,
from an excisting eml kx500 combo
he ,ll prolly put his project here too p

we agreed ill be his ridingmate ,
bit sad i,m 200 miles away

So you're building a super motard rig?

Unless you're in the world champion class....a KX500 is a fantastic motor to put in a sidecar....especially here in the states. Easy to work maintenece free as you can get in a race machine....just about bullet proof....STRONG...and parts are widely available.
My ex and I won races on a bone stock KX500...motor taken out of my "girly" 500. LOL
No, it's not always about the biggest best, the latest greatest.

Most of ours came here from Europe. They are the beat up, worn out ones no longer considered race worthy over there. That sounds bad....but it's sort of the truth.

Our National schedule is on hyadus, at the moment. Just not enough teams.
There is a Grand Prix series in Southern California, Big 6 with AMA District 37.
It's a tough way to go to set out on your first race and race an entire hour.
For maintenence's also harder to get sidecar owners willing to fork over their rigs to a new team to pummel it for an hour. Just how things go.

An MX....I will cut just about anyone loose (unless I know you're an idiot that doesn't know how to use a throttle) on one of my rigs ....after some short practice lessons have been done. Practice with an experienced team is important so ya don't make mistakes that can hurt you. A half hour to 45 minutes of doing figure 8s will usually clue most teams in on how to work together....and why it is so important to.

Several people have been trying to build and rebuild an mx series.
Modern MX tracks do not lend itself to sidecar MX all. A sidecar needs a fair amount of distance to get up to speed enough to even attempt a double....and if you're seriously injuring 2 people.
As a result....we roll over everything. Looks stupid as you can get. Certainly doesn't look "cool" at all. It looks stupid and feels stupid doing it if you've ridden at speed. But...on a track suited for us....we can flat out HAUL.
Not real often you can twist a kx5....and want MORE!!!!!!!!

For several years, we raced as a support class at AHRMA Post Vintage Nationals, and hope to again in the future. The tracks are toned down for vintage and post vintage racing....and suit sidecars perfectly. There are still jumps....but mostly table if you come up don't die.

Now....all we need is teams.
If you are in the Northern California area, or plan to be....feel free to drop me a line and I will be glad to set up a ride....and show ya what's it's all about.
I do also make run down to Southern in doubt...ask!

Truly a fantastic sport!

A small sport here in the states...pretty big in Europe. The economy hit us hard last year and this.


Offline turtle22

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Re: K5 with sidecar?
« Reply #12 on: February 24, 2009, 03:33:05 PM »
what part of nor cal r u in? im in Sac. i have a buddy that restores vintage bikes,i will probley race part of the curcit next yr. do u race anything else besides sidecars? still looks pretty crazy to me
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Re: K5 with sidecar?
« Reply #13 on: February 24, 2009, 03:51:50 PM »
what part of nor cal r u in? im in Sac. i have a buddy that restores vintage bikes,i will probley race part of the curcit next yr. do u race anything else besides sidecars? still looks pretty crazy to me

Bay Area.
I race modern bikes and vintage bikes. My personal vintage bike needs some attention, at the moment. never know. '74 Husky WR400. I also have a road race sidecar.
There is a Cross Country Vintage and Post Vintage National series....4 races in CA. A 2 day weekend in Taft is coming up in March.
I am hoping to throw together an ailing KDX here real quick just to go for a dang ride.
Just an afternoon at Carnigie would do me well, right about now. 

Hey....get your "sponsor" to kick you down a bike for the CC.
Who's your buddy?
If he's heavy into restoration....he needs to sponsor you for the Brad Lackey event at Sand Hill.
2 days of vintage MX with some "back in the day" greats from Europe.

Offline turtle22

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Re: K5 with sidecar?
« Reply #14 on: February 24, 2009, 04:43:55 PM »
what part of nor cal r u in? im in Sac. i have a buddy that restores vintage bikes,i will probley race part of the curcit next yr. do u race anything else besides sidecars? still looks pretty crazy to me

Bay Area.
I race modern bikes and vintage bikes. My personal vintage bike needs some attention, at the moment. never know. '74 Husky WR400. I also have a road race sidecar.
There is a Cross Country Vintage and Post Vintage National series....4 races in CA. A 2 day weekend in Taft is coming up in March.
I am hoping to throw together an ailing KDX here real quick just to go for a dang ride.
Just an afternoon at Carnigie would do me well, right about now. 

Hey....get your "sponsor" to kick you down a bike for the CC.
Who's your buddy?
If he's heavy into restoration....he needs to sponsor you for the Brad Lackey event at Sand Hill.
2 days of vintage MX with some "back in the day" greats from Europe.
[/quote my buddy todd has done acouple of lackeys bikes. and i just bought lackeys brothers kx500. i may make it to the taft weekend. still unsure about it. i maybe riding hollister this friday. i have an 1980 xr500 that i have thought about racing post vintage,but i would like to be on a kawie if i can. todd has a couple kx480(i think thats what size they r) that he is working on.
im still new to a lot of this. ive been riding sence i was 12(almost 27yrs now) but ive been on croch rockets then harleys for almost all of it. so now im having to retrain my brain to think like a dirt rider. its funny to get on my 700lbs harley after riding my 200lbs k5 then go to my(old man)xr they all have lots of power. all deliver it differantly
lets ride