I rode a 2002 Honda TRX400ex for 4 1/2 years. Good quad, fun, handled ok. I had extra wheels with sand tires. Makes for a quick swap to hit the dunes. I was riding behind the shop one day at lunch. Ran off the trail down a hill into the brush. Took forever to get it turned around and out of there. One of the guys at work had a friend that had been bugging me to sell it to him. I was looking at getting a new quad and getting stuck made it easy to go for it. He came over and bought it that night and the next morning I was at the Kawi dealer for a 2008 KFX450R. It was one of the first true MX quads with electric start, fuel injection and reverse. Handles very well and for sure more fun than the 400ex. It came out with rave reviews in the magazines. But lately it's getting reviews I would say "not bad but not good either". They say it lacks in power compared to the other new quads on the market. Give'em a year and they will be back on top. The competition is so strong there's not really a bad quad out there. Some are better that others. I'm talking MX quads. I've never owned a utility quad.
First picture is the day I took a trip over the bars on the Honda, at speed, on a mud hole that was way deeper than I expected.
Second picture Kawi at Little Sahara State Park Oklahoma. Drove up by myself on a week day for the Lunar Eclipse. It was killer, very few people and the wind blew big time the night before.