she must be excited with such a great kx
and an inspiring dad
btw is that a TL1000 sitting there ?
The street bike is a gsxr1000 and thanks I'm lucky to have a girl that not only loves to ride, she rides with a lot of hart she shakes off some nasty crashes and goes right back to riding. She still is a girl though so we usally have to dry some tears and do some hugs but she gets right back on the bike on her own and rides, Because she wants to.
great how the little people can display a grown up mentality ,
i know boys who put their hands in their ears when i come by on me plated k5
and that are boys like 12 yrs old ,what must become of such pussys
that rocks. i have a 14yr old that i want to get her a bike this summer. she has the will, i just suck as a teacher and some times lose patiences with her. she has been riding the quad and got the shifting down pretty good. so now its time for 2 wheels 
for you knowing you suck as a teacher ,
is still better then all the shouting pushing hitting dads ive seen in my younger mx days .
they should have seen themselfs in a mirror ,they would be surprised how manic they acted..
way to many boys and girls too lost the fun due to their own dads .
i don,t have kids ,so it,s pure objective observations from my side
but i would do it the fun happy way ,if it comes that far anyways