This ban has little or nothing to do with paint, Or the Chinese knock offs.
The Consumer Product safety commission has decided in all their grand wisdom that many components on a dirt bike or quad, may contain more than 600 parts per million as a percentage of lead content, like for instance batteries, or clutch packs, or? , Now granted this may be true, but they fail to realize that 99% of the repairs and maintenance fone on these vehicles is performed by adults. They also fail to take into consideration that most riders wear, gloves, goggles, healmets, boots and heavy pants or riding gear, to prevent injury, and as a bonus, protects the rider from incidental contact with lead. How many lead poisionings by dirt bike or quad have you ever heard of???
It is absolutely important that every rider,(yes, I already did) Writes his congressman, or representative and explain to them the safety factors, the economic issues and the total disregard for user input that was addresses when this decision was made. I know the manufacturers are sweating bullits and working hard to do something, but, It will take some loud voices from voters to be heard this time.
Step up and make the call or dsend an e mail to your congressman or rep! you can get their e mail addresses on the web!