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Offline BDI

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Re: urgent
« Reply #15 on: February 17, 2009, 03:37:23 PM »
I'm just not ready to run around in circles waving my hands in the air and screaming the building is on fire. I think this is nothing more then a fire drill, I will be calmly walking out of the building and holding my composure. I think are government is trying to hold their feet to the fire. The people that produce the bikes want us to buy them as bad if not worse then we want to buy them. They are going to do what ever they have to do to get right in order to be able to sell us their goods. I think the end result will be better and safer goods across the board for the american people, not just motorcycles. I would rather see the ban lifted because the manufacturers complied with are laws, rather then because the american people pissed moaned and cried untill they got their way like some spoiled little brats. 
« Last Edit: February 18, 2009, 10:17:16 AM by BDI »
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Offline GDubb

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Re: urgent
« Reply #16 on: February 18, 2009, 02:23:32 PM »
So does every bike below 100cc come from china and come covered in lead paint? I still dont get what this bs is REALLY all about therefore its hard to form a solid opinion.
Where do I find out the whole truth? It has to be posted somewhere.

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Offline don46

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Re: urgent
« Reply #17 on: February 18, 2009, 04:09:13 PM »
So I thought this was all about the paint, it appears that it is much more in depth than just paint, motors, clutches, batteries. this legislation isn't about china, it's about EVERY country that we import product from as well as product we produce in the US. I've done some research on the lead issue, the reality is you have more likelyhood of getting lead poisioning from the plumbing in your house than from a motorcycle or ATV. Even brass components in plumbing have lead content.

attached is a excerpt from the AMA, they DO NOT support this legislation:

Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act threatens sale of youth model OHVs
Posted February 12, 2009    Email   Print

The sport of off-highway recreation is seriously threatened by recent legislation that imposes strict lead content guidelines on children's everyday toys. The Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008 (CPSIA) has effectively banned the sale of youth off-highway vehicles (OHVs). The AMA is calling for action now to help reverse the potentially devastating effect this could have on the sport of OHV recreation.

"The unavailability of youth OHVs will devastate family OHV recreation and cripple amateur competition, creating a domino effect across all aspects of motorized recreation," said AMA Vice President for Government Relations Ed Moreland. "All motorcyclists, whether they recreate off-road or not, need to come to the defense of our youngest riders and help ensure the future availability of youth OHVs."

A quick and effective way to help is to write or call your representative and the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) and let them know petitions exist to exclude certain vehicles from the final rule governing the law. You can send your representative a letter by using the Take Action button in the Issues and Legislation section of this website. To contact the CPSC directly, use the contact form here.

According to section 101(a) of the enacted legislation, all youth products containing lead must have less than 600 parts per million (ppm) by weight. The CPSC has interpreted the law to apply to various components of youth OHVs including the engine, brakes, suspension, battery and other mechanical parts. Even though the lead levels in these parts are small, they are still above the minimum threshold.

In order to assure continued availability and access to youth OHVs, the Motorcycle Industry Council (MIC) and Specialty Vehicle Industry Association (SVIA) submitted petitions to the CPSC asking that certain vehicles be excluded from the final rule governing the law.

"It is critical that Congress and the CPSC know that these petitions exist and that by acting on them they will maintain a vital form of recreation for American families, preserve youth racing and protect the thousands of jobs associated with this industry," Moreland added. "We are asking all motorcyclists to write or call their representatives and the CPSC today and ask them to approve the petition to exclude youth OHVs from the CPSIA lead content requirements."

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Offline turtle22

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Re: urgent
« Reply #18 on: February 18, 2009, 04:40:24 PM »
this whole thing is kind of crazy,is this nation wide? i live in CA & have not heard any thing about this. but then i shop only at my faviorite local aftermarket dealer, so i could be in the dark.
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Offline don46

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Re: urgent
« Reply #19 on: February 19, 2009, 05:56:47 AM »
This is the whole US, so while you haven't noticed it yet, you will.

I've been told, admittedly haven't personally verified it, that dealers can no longer order parts for 50 and 60's and that there are discussions underway to possibly not race 50 and 60's at the major events, such as Loretta Lynn's.

Anybody that thinks this is a good thing and isn't going to affect them is sadly mistaken as I said before it has far reaching implications. There needed to be some checks and balances but this has gotten out of hand.
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Offline BDI

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Re: urgent
« Reply #20 on: February 19, 2009, 09:42:01 AM »
So I guess there is no way for the manufacturers to make compliance :? Even If the manufacturers comply with the new standerds they will not be able to sell their youth bikes. :?
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Offline turtle22

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Re: urgent
« Reply #21 on: February 19, 2009, 09:48:59 AM »
the company's should be compling with US standers. the auto makers do,got to have seat belts,safety glass and so on. so the swich of lead paint should not be that big of a deal
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Offline GDubb

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Re: urgent
« Reply #22 on: February 19, 2009, 11:09:28 AM »
I would like to know where the documented cases that prove someone was harmed from the lead content of a 50cc and 60cc dirtbike are. I've never heard of it. Is there really lead paint on every child size dirtbike and atv regardless of manufacture and country of origin? If we are gonna run around and make everything that is dangerous illegal then there is a whole lot more to worry about than lead content.

Oh and BDI... "Smoke every cigarette like It's your last"

What about this if you are so afraid of lead content?

"There are even metals in cigarettes. For example:

Lead: Everyone knows that lead has been removed from paint because it is very dangerous to children, who not only tend to absorb more than adults, but are more sensitive to its effects. Adults with high lead levels in their blood may have high blood pressure, nerve disorders, muscle pain and even fertility problems."

Taken from:

You want your leaded cigarette, I want my lead dirtbike along with my lead car batteries, lead bullets, and lead fishing weights. I'll do my best as a responsible parent to keep my son from ingesting his dirtbike.  And the guy blasting the paint off your dirtbike frame should be wearing some sort of breathing apparatus and if he isnt... he's doing it to himself. And if you arent wearing a dustmask when you are sanding the paint off your dirtbike frame, well, take a break and go smoke another cigarette and think about what you're doing to yourself. There are more toxins in paint than just lead. Not trying to be offensive, just trying to make an obvious point to someone who seems so adamant about protecting others from something that really isnt that harmful compared to what people subject themselves to on a daily basis. Lets just make a law that makes it illegal for anyone to do anything, eat anything, drink anything, breath anything, or smoke anything that may have a risk of harming them or others. We will all be sitting in protective bubbles eating organic vegetables and drinking purified water. I appreciate their concern but there are better ways to handle this than a SUDDEN STOP of all sales of kids bikes and parts that are already manufactured and on the shelves/showroom floors. Thats just a senseless vulgar display of power. And once again... where are those documented cases of kids harmed by the lead content in their dirtbikes that warranted such evasive action be taken? Sounds to me like someone is already running around with their hands in the air screaming that the building is on fire and we must SAVE EVERYBODY NOW AGAINST THEIR OWN WILL!!!


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Offline don46

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Re: urgent
« Reply #23 on: February 19, 2009, 01:37:36 PM »
the company's should be compling with US standers. the auto makers do,got to have seat belts,safety glass and so on. so the swich of lead paint should not be that big of a deal

Are you kidding me? have you not read the whole thread? The auto makers can't comply with this standard, nor can harley davidson, Sony, hewlett packard interstate batteries and most other manf. What it boils down to is that there were/are issues with products intended for toddlers, they tend to put things in their mouths, products containing lead are a real and true problem, however the legislators have taken it a step to far. what if they said no products with lead over 600 ppm, most of us would be out of jobs, no plumbing, tv's, you should get the picture.

We all need to be responsible, there is lead all around us in our everyday lives, be aware and treat it accordingly
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Offline bigbellybob

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Re: urgent
« Reply #24 on: February 19, 2009, 02:10:28 PM »
this was posted on a different site. maybe big brother got a hold of it.





Offline ID KX500

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Re: urgent
« Reply #25 on: February 19, 2009, 02:23:26 PM »
I believe the CPSC is as out of control as Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, FDA, Medicare, Medicaid, ect...ect,,,, wasting taxpayer money overreaching authority trying to justify their very existence,,, not doing the job they are there to do.

If they want to help kids,,, Rid our country of meth, crack, hardcore drugs, and irresponsible parents. I am pointing at a real problem for innocent kids. Our Federal Government only contributes to the real threats to kids. The new purpose of government : MICRO-MANAGE THE LAW KEEPERS,,, BECAUSE WE CAN'T STOP THE CRIMINALS.

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Offline BDI

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Re: urgent
« Reply #26 on: February 19, 2009, 02:25:01 PM »
"Smoke every cigarette like It's your last and ride like you stole something!!" is a metafore. It means to enjoy everything you do to the fullest for tomorrow you may be dead and to ride as if something is chasing you even though it's not.  I sure wish people would get so upset about all the places I ride getting shut down. You can be pissed at me but if you had read earlier I said strait up that I am willing to suffer if it makes someone I don't like suffer also. I do not like the people that pump this low budget crap into our Country. It does not have to do with just motorcycles, it has to do with all sorts of toxic crap from all over the world being shoved down the American consumers throat. If little Jimmy has to ride a used bike for a while so be it. If you cant figure out a way for your kid to ride untill this crap gets fixed that's sad.

        P.S. I don't smoke and no one is chasing me :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
« Last Edit: February 19, 2009, 02:37:46 PM by BDI »
Smoke every cigarette like It's your last and ride like you stole something!!!

Offline turtle22

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Re: urgent
« Reply #27 on: February 19, 2009, 03:04:11 PM »
"Smoke every cigarette like It's your last and ride like you stole something!!" is a metafore. It means to enjoy everything you do to the fullest for tomorrow you may be dead and to ride as if something is chasing you even though it's not.  I sure wish people would get so upset about all the places I ride getting shut down. You can be pissed at me but if you had read earlier I said strait up that I am willing to suffer if it makes someone I don't like suffer also. I do not like the people that pump this low budget crap into our Country. It does not have to do with just motorcycles, it has to do with all sorts of toxic crap from all over the world being shoved down the American consumers throat. If little Jimmy has to ride a used bike for a while so be it. If you cant figure out a way for your kid to ride untill this crap gets fixed that's sad.

        P.S. I don't smoke and no one is chasing me :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
i would have to agree. we r hated as a country because we so consumer based,but how many of those some countries that HATE us do we suport with us using there products? so the demand that they conform to some stander is not to far out for my liking. this may suck,im not saying that the total removal of all the differant kids bikes is right,it sucks they have choose our past time to make a stand, but sometimes a stand is needed.(just my thought)
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Offline GDubb

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Re: urgent
« Reply #28 on: February 19, 2009, 03:56:28 PM »
So who's life is being saved by not allowing me to put my son on a brand new KDX 50? I'm still waiting for that answer. I cant put my son on a brand new bike like millions of kids before him were allowed to because YOU and someone like YOU think so? THAT is sad. Any more of my freedoms you want to take away? And once again... WHO'S LIFE IS BEING SAVED by MY unwilling sacrifice? Not YOUR sacrifice because you could give a s**t whether my son got the bike he's been wanting for over a year or not. So I should go buy a used bike.... but WAIT.... didnt someone say I cant even buy parts for a small cc bike anymore? So I should buy a used bike with who knows what wear and tear that I cant even fix? Are you kidding me? But you are going to put a condescending "That's sad" because I'm not happy that my son and I have to suffer for YOUR cause?  Still waiting for the documented cases of lead poisoning from a dirtbike to validate all this BULLs**t. Maybe if you had a son thats been waiting for a new dirtbike and you had to look him in the face and see the disappointment in his eyes, then maybe you would at least TRY to see someone elses point of view. Do you have a son that is going without his new dirtbike? Then who are you to tell me its no big deal? Not to mention the economic effects on the dealers who already purchased these bikes from the manufacturers and have them in their inventory. Dont they have to pay taxes on anything in their inventory? This is hurting AMERICANS FIRST and the foreign manufacturers SECOND. You're like a gun control lobbyist thats never touched a gun in their life, but still tells other people who have experience with firearms and practice firearm safety on a regular basis that guns are too dangerous for them to have. For you its a political "issue", or a product standards "issue". For ME its PERSONAL. My toes are being stepped on while yours stay in the clear. Thats fair. But at least you hippies have something to shake your pom-poms about.  :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x

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Offline ID KX500

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Re: urgent
« Reply #29 on: February 19, 2009, 04:38:11 PM »
It's BS  :x         here's a website for comments to   :x CPSC :x

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