I appreciate all the concern. 3 tornado's in Okla. City, 5 total in the state. It tore up all kinds of houses, cars, trees, and 10,000 electric customers without power. No pass into the damage zone until tomorrow. 3/4 mile wide twister in south central Okla. 8 people killed in Lone Grove, the town was devastated. The main one here in OKC tracked 6 miles north of where I work. It hit Oak Tree golf and country club. Lifted the whole roof from multi million dollar houses. Tornados are very rare in February.
Because of the ever present danger of tornado's, OKC has the best warning system. NBC news channel 4 always has the best coverage. Their helicopter pilot and weather news team have been credited with saving countless lives over the decades. Still I would take tornado's over earth quakes or hurricanes.