Author Topic: New AZ Laws  (Read 2470 times)

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New AZ Laws
« on: January 12, 2009, 03:59:05 AM »

Offline azdirtrider75

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Re: New AZ Laws
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2009, 05:47:57 AM »
The law is crap, it's just about money since AZ is over a billion in debt. I doubt any of the money will got to benifit trails. Anyway - the easiest place to go and get your off road decal is
I ordered mine on Jan 2nd and got it in the mail on Jan 7th.

Nate in Chandler - 2002 KX250

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Re: New AZ Laws
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2009, 07:09:39 AM »
Did you put it on your license plate?  I don't have a plate...

Offline azdirtrider75

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Re: New AZ Laws
« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2009, 08:49:36 AM »
The rules are to place the decal / sticker on the upper left corner of the RV plate (Recreational Vehicle). If you don't have a plate you will need one to be legal. You can visit your local MVD to get a plate. Yes, I mounted the stupid plate on my bike (top of the rear fender just behind the seat). I used spacers to keep it off the plastic. Not that I ever see law enforcement out on the trails, but if I do I'll be legal.
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Offline BDI

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Re: New AZ Laws
« Reply #4 on: January 12, 2009, 11:03:50 AM »
They use the money in nv to police us and right use tickets and make sure we can't have any fun.
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Offline GDubb

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Re: New AZ Laws
« Reply #5 on: January 12, 2009, 12:31:25 PM »
What? Your OFF ROAD DIRTBIKE has to have a license plate? Oregon and Washington both require an OHV tag/sticker that I display on my upper fork tube between the clamps, but a PLATE? Or am I just not understanding it correctly?

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Offline azdirtrider75

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Re: New AZ Laws
« Reply #6 on: January 13, 2009, 03:38:38 AM »
AZ off road vehicles have been required to have plates for years, however it hasn't been enforced much (to my knowledge). With the new decal law, AZ has clearly stated that the plate must be mounted in a visible location at the rear of the vehicle and that the decal be on the plate in the upper left corner. I totally agree that this is stupid; there is no need for both in my opinion; have one OR the other! In Utah and California if the vehicle is off road then all is needed is a sticker; and yes, just place it on the upper fork tube. Not so here in AZ you need a plate AND the decal. When I first moved here it was just the plate; at first it was weird, but because it was a "one time fee" I was OK with it. In speaking with others, never hearing stories of tickets for not having a plate I decided not to mount the plate but to simply carry it in my back pack (just in case?). But now to be 100% legal I have drilled holes in my precious bike and mounted the stupid plate.  :x   :|  :-( If AZ really wanted to save money they'd get ride of the plate (think of those operating costs) and use only the decal system. But that would make too much sense.

Frustrated in AZ
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Re: New AZ Laws
« Reply #7 on: January 13, 2009, 05:46:55 AM »
I think I'm gonna fab a mount integrated with the whip mount... we'll see.

gray hair

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Re: New AZ Laws
« Reply #8 on: January 30, 2009, 10:12:19 AM »
Not to defend the state and it's decision to start an OHV sticker program, but if you read the site in the frequently asked questions section, it is explained that the money will be spent to evaluate the habitat and so forth. This may sound good, but unfortunately what it boils down to many times is closure of off road riding sites. More incentive for us to tread lightly and observe the off limits areas. If you see someone crossing the line, maybe you could talk to them. If your not comfortable with that, maybe you could report them. If you choose to do nothing, than stand by silently when they close the area near you. Be pro-active and teach our youth to respect the rules.

 "All that is required for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing." Edmund Burke

Offline maddoggy

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Re: New AZ Laws
« Reply #9 on: January 30, 2009, 10:31:17 AM »
Not to defend the state and it's decision to start an OHV sticker program, but if you read the site in the frequently asked questions section, it is explained that the money will be spent to evaluate the habitat and so forth. This may sound good, but unfortunately what it boils down to many times is closure of off road riding sites. More incentive for us to tread lightly and observe the off limits areas. If you see someone crossing the line, maybe you could talk to them. If your not comfortable with that, maybe you could report them. If you choose to do nothing, than stand by silently when they close the area near you. Be pro-active and teach our youth to respect the rules.

 "All that is required for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing." Edmund Burke

well stated gray hair, i totally agree with what you said. here in wyoming where i live we don't have squat for access to public land other than national forest/ mountain lands. most state land here is land locked by the super big ranches and they use OUR land for guided hunts, which means they make money off of our lack of access. i'm getting ticked off just thinking about it. most of the state and blm land is fairly baren anyways so i cannot understand what harm it would do to have a state trail system on OUR state land. new mexico has a really nice trail system and i highly doubt that it has killed any precious endangered species. i could rant on this subject all day. we have a PLUC (public land users commitee) here that really has done alot of good things for the outdoor enthusiests around the area but they are constantly battling the tree hugging mentality that is ever growing in the west. i would love to be part of the PLUC but my work schedule is too crazy to allow me the time to attend the meetings. i do what i can but i always wish i could do more.      MADDOGGY