Don't know if anyone is following the ISDE that is happening right now, but with all that beach sand, and the low degree of difficulty (not very technical, unlike most ISDE events), I'll bet some folks wish they had the big green monster under them...
I have always tried to talk my wife into letting me try and get on a club team and race the six days, but she thinks it costs way too much money. Heck, all you need is an extra bike to ship a couple of months before the event, air travel to/from the event, hotels, rental car, 5 sets of tires, brake pads, plugs, a barrel of race gas, 5 sets of riding gear, lots of extra parts that are legal to change, and oh yes, gotta take a test trip to the race site just to get to know the terrain. I think 15 thousand should cover it. Can't imagine why she won't let me live my dream

Take it to 'em Team USA