Author Topic: Streeting a K5 in AZ  (Read 1655 times)

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Streeting a K5 in AZ
« on: January 13, 2009, 05:00:07 AM »
 Anyone from AZ know what Hoops need to be jumped through to get the K5 street legal?

I live in Ca. and alot of the areas here are becomming "license plate only" riding areas. more CA BS....  so Id like to plate my K5 to be able to ride in these said areas...

I reside in Ca. but have cousins that live in AZ that I plan on titleing and insuring the bike under (put me as an occasional rider), so I can then use it here in Ca with an AZ plate with no registration fraud (easy to catch anyways)...   Most street it will see is an occasional jaunt to the local mountains (25miles). so not going to be flaunting it or anything....

So for you AZ residence...
what does it take to get the big K5 plated? 
Possible with 2 strokes anymore?
I think since Im doing a title transfer out of state it will need a level 1 inspection to start, may need a higher level for the dual sport plate??
If you know what paperwork is needed that is alot of help....

I know what is required (will make it CA legal as far as stuff on it (dot tires, mirror horn etc)

Offline azdirtrider75

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Re: Streeting a K5 in AZ
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2009, 05:13:59 AM »
I'm not sure about 2-strokes for AZ but I do know that AZ laws are pretty laxed for street legalizing.

1. DOT Tires (they may or may not check) I recommend the Michelin Baja (front and rear) only 18 inch available for rear  :cry:
2. Head light (high and low beam)
3. Tail Light (with brake light, switch needed on rear brake master cylider)
4. Horn (any cheap, batter powered one will work - look on MTN Bike sites)
5. Mirror (mounted on left) fold down type are great
6. License Plate (with light)
7. Rear reflector (red)
8. Motorcycle endorced drivers license
9. Insurance

Live in the Phoenix Metro? (East Valley) Contact me, let's ride


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Re: Streeting a K5 in AZ
« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2009, 02:05:37 PM »
Just about ready to try this.  I know the bike will have to be inspected to do a title swap from california to AZ, But I hate to have to BUY all the Dual sport stuff before I know for sure I can get away with it...

 One thing I noticed though,
AZ has an emissions check thing? Do motorcycles fall under this?

I also think Im going to tempt fate and put the bike in my wifes name, at my cousins address... That way the bike is closer to being in my name, yet when I do get pulled over, the names on my California drivers license doesnt match the Arizona registration.  Just need to come up with a good story for the "man" when it does happen....

BTW... personal plate "KX500" is free
« Last Edit: March 06, 2009, 02:28:59 PM by Motorrad »