Author Topic: #8 slide versus #7  (Read 8744 times)

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Offline kxpegger

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Re: #8 slide versus #7
« Reply #15 on: February 02, 2009, 12:42:10 AM »
kxpegger  I'm in Vegas also.  Here is what I run.  Float height 16mm, 165 main jet, 55 pilot jet, #7 slide, n82m needle with clip at #2 from the top, airscrew out to peak rpm aprox 2 turns, NGK BR8EG,  fuel mixed at 40 to 1.  Was out at APEX for a short while today drop me a pm lets go riding sometime.


I'm usually out at APEX every weekend both Saturday and Sunday. Besides drinking beer, dirt biking is about it. I won't be out this coming weekend. Promised the wife I'd take her to Phoenix to see her Mom.

A good riding partner of mine also rides a KX500. He just had his motor rebuilt after 12 years of trashing it. The drive sprocket stripped the splines off the mainshaft. I think it was partly his own doing. He won't change out any parts until they've turned to dust!

I've been surprised by how many KX500's are running around out at APEX. I saw about 8 in one day counting mine and Bill's. I'll drop you a PM next time I'm out there. We've also been talking about going to Gold Butte here pretty soon.
North Las Vegas

"05" RMZ450, "08" KX500AF "11" KTM 450SX-F "12" KTM 250SX "15" KTM450SX-F

Offline martinfan30

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Re: #8 slide versus #7
« Reply #16 on: February 02, 2009, 04:10:59 PM »
I finally got the AF back out today. I was on standby call at work for a couple of weeks and had to wait for the slide and needle that I had ordered to show up.

#7 slide and a N82M needle with a 55 pilot and 170 main solved all my tuning issues. I left the needle on the middle position (3rd) and now the bike snaps off idle and screams all the way to redline! I ride mostly Las Vegas around 2500' and it seems to be perfect.

I received the bike from Service Honda with a #6 slide, 55 pilot, 175 main and a much richer needle.

Just wanted to say thanks to everyone that helped and all the accurate info posted here.

I'd bet good money it came so rich from SH just for good break-in insurance.
2000 KX500
2005 XR650L

Neither are stock, and both are great desert bikes.