I've been doin the normal winter fun, workin' on the green machines. I noticed I had a broken vent tube. Its the one that arcs over the carb. At first, i did what I would do, if I noticed while out riding. I cut off the bad and had a shorter vent tube. Its just a little short-looking and the rest are pretty ragged. I thought " I'll just go to an auto parts house and pick some up. 3 or 4 feet will be plenty." All they have is black. I found yellow fuel line at a farm and ranch supply, then of course wanted green, or purple or something exotic, ya know. Well maybe not exotic, but noticeable would be good. I also considered that the colored plastic, I like just because of a neon color may not hold up to VP fuel. I know even the good stuff gets hard as a brick after awhile. Anyone been here yet?