I don't now how many oil changes you guy's do on a 4 stroke?
I do it every 2 rides. Thats 1.5 ltr, I don't burn up that much pre-mix on a 2 stroke!!!!!!
And building a 4stroke is more work, so more polution!!
In Holland central heating is 40% of its air polution 50% industry 10% al vehicle's. and from that 10%
30% are al roadtruck's and car who ride on diesel. But DIESEL is the

EVIL fuel that smells
and is bad for your health. f**k*@( coverment.
Boyesen's idea in theory sound good but his way on the pic's are a bit heavy for more rpm.
Using a rotory outlet like a inlet from kreidler and kart engine's would maybe a beter idea??
Like this SIX stroke engine head.