Maybe people here will understand me..... My name is Nate and right now I'm living in Raleigh NC. I moved here a couple months ago from sunny Arizona and I'm not taking the cold, lack of sun, rain, mud, pretty much everything that goes on here isn't what I'm used to. I work on motorcycles for a little (as in young) motocross rider named Justin Dunn. I got to work with Destry Abbott when I was in Arizona and that was one of the neatest things I could have done. Like all of us that guy is my motorcycle hero. I've got 2 bikes, a 2001 KX 500 that I used to race in the desert in California (D-37) and a 2003 KX 250. Probably going to sell the 500 before to long. I feel bad keeping a beast like that locked up in a trailer. It was made to run wide open and I can't do that now

Well, there you go. That's a little about me. I'll try to give you all some good ideas.