Thanks Bob Larry. I haven't ridden the bike much.
It sure is a dream to ride. Feels nimble, quick steering, easy to move around the bike, and the best thing that
it feels much lighter than the old steel frame.
You also whant to put a kx500 engine in your frame or rebuilding your kxf250 engine?
Yes, I think it is time. With some help I think I can pull it off.
I had my 06 kx250f for sale with blown motor for a while now.
I picked up the 92 K500 in September. Still riding it in November here in Niagara Canada! G warming?
The biggest pain looks to be the cutting of the frame.
The custome exhaust
And knowing where to line up the engine in the frame has got to be a $@#$
Getting the new frame pieces milled down and inserted into the frame seems to be the strongest way to go.
After 50 or so of these are built blueprints could be made for ALL the pieces needed. Like motor mounts
and the frame pieces. Or an entire new one piece frame would be dope.

Jfab you have a 250f framed 500 too?