Author Topic: What tools do you carry?  (Read 8951 times)

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What tools do you carry?
« Reply #15 on: October 27, 2003, 03:18:52 AM »
Wow, great posts.

On the weapon, I ALWAYS carry a stainless Smith & Wesson 9mm with two clips in a shoulder holster when i ride in the trees.  I've had many occassions where I found a bear or large cat in the trail in front of me (we also now have wolves in the forrest, thanks to the green folks).  Ironically, the only time I have had to actully unholster was for the two legged type animal.  Fortunately, never had to fire a shot.

Having a 9mm with me gives my wife more comfort as well, especially if we had to stay the night for some reason.  While there are drawbacks to stainless weapons, the attributes of stainless, and it's ability to withstand harsh environments outweighs other issues.

On the sports drinks, I, too, used to drink a mix of various stuff.  However, after having blood in my urine after a really tough race, I asked the Doc what was best.  His comment: Hydrate before you ride, and drink only water during.  This was supported by an event last week in which a friend of mine started off on a little 50 mile road bicycle ride.   At the 1/2 way point, he slammed down 2 Red Bull drinks, and just a few mile later dropped to the ground from a high heart rate.  Apparently, there is one ingrediant in Red Bull that almost did "give him wings".  He was life flighted to the hospital, where they eventually had to STOP HIS HEART  :shock:  in order to get it beating properly again.  The doctors attribute the episode 100% to consuming the ingrediant (sorry don't know what it is) in Red Bull that is suppose to "give you wings".  Unfortunately for Red Bull, my friend is an attorney, and since just a little longer on the side of the road would have resulted in his death, you can guess how he plans to proceed...

As for taking beer on the trail, I once went on a little 100 trail ride with a group of folks I didn't know.  To my surprise, we stopped about every 45 minutes for beer.  It turns out that several of the guys had special backpacks with a rubber liner that had been filled with ice and beer.  At the 1/2 way point, they filled their backpacks with another 12 pack.  Since I don't drink, I didn't enjoy stopping so much for beer, but was amazed at how well these guys rode after consuming so much alcohol.  You can bet that I made sure I was the first one loaded and on the road, with my trail mates in their trucks behind me.


Offline alan

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What tools do you carry?
« Reply #16 on: October 27, 2003, 03:43:42 AM »
One time back in the 80's I jumped over a dune in the desert and landed almost on top of a pack of wild dogs eating a deer! :shock: I am sure I scared the hell out of them and they chased me for miles! They didn't have a chance against my YZ490, but I sure was glad I didn't fall down and become there lunch! :twisted:

Alan :D
Sand - Dirt - Dunes = Fun
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What tools do you carry?
« Reply #17 on: October 27, 2003, 06:13:38 AM »
My weapon of choice is a big green KX500!Manny's not kidding about the pot heads,normally Mexican drug lords setting up camp out in the wilderness,heavily armed!And no we arent located even near Mexico,wrong side of California.Like Rick said I dont drink,but Im amazed how many people drink and ride.Me and a few guys were riding and bump into this guy that started to ride with us that day and he starts to tell us about the local riding club.But he must have mentioned the free drinks the club provides every other sentence he spoke!Made me wonder if they drink or ride in that club,but that was one guy.I just hope they all arent that bad.Drinkings something you do at home,not while driving or riding,on road or off road.Sorry I'm not trying to lecture.


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What tools do you carry?
« Reply #18 on: October 27, 2003, 12:17:13 PM »
I "Bonked Out" [thats what Mountain Bikers call a Blackout] Last Summer on a Mountain Bike ride near my house that a local shop puts on.
I stupidly skipped dinner and only drank a Slimfast of my dad's and ate two pieces of Ham,  and I believe that was the main reason.  
Besides my enourmouse Ego that is.

I'm fast in the Woods,  and it's hard for me to let anyone get away from me just because they are in better shape physicaly on the bicycle.  I know I could beat anyone if my lungs would only hold out,  I just refuse to slow down because I can't breath.

My Ego is still 20 years old,  my Body is 40,  the two have to merge in their realities.

I Bonked out on the trail after trying to ride thru massive Latisimouse Dorsi Cramping,  fell off the bike and awoke moments later when someone was trying to remove my Headphones/Helmet that were blasting Richie Blackmore' Rainbow LIVE at high volume.

I definately have paid a little more attention to my pre work out diet,  and my body telling me to slow down,  since the Bonk out.

I feel like I get more out of my workouts too now,  since I don't spend so much time recovering from overstressing myself.

I've never carried a Gun while I rode.  I'm the Toughest Human Being to ever live so I have no need,  Bullets are only a Minor annoyance to me,  they bounce off my chest and get stuck in my teeth.

[don't let a Bee sting me though LOL]

Hey,  I used to drink two beers at lunch almost every ride that I made it back to my truck for lunch.  I found that it calmed me a little and made me more able to relax on the bike and have more endurance.

Two beers has no effect on me Drunk wise,  I'm Big,  and I have a high tollerance.  It does relax me a bit,  and it helped my riding.

So much so that I would stop and buy Beer just to have at lunch when I rode.  

I quit drinking entirely last Feb.  No DWI,  No horror stories,  just got tired of it.



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What tools do you carry?
« Reply #19 on: October 27, 2003, 01:03:47 PM »
This is a the best forum; However, I suspect that I've convinced Sid John and the Royalty that we're all mad. I appologize.

We are a different World, over here. On the otherhand: I was in London in '96 when the IRA started at it again...mind you...I was in Picadilly when the bomb threat was made for the first time in years. It's hard to explain...but, I wanted my gun just like the bobbies had...under their coats at the palace! H&K BABY! d**n, those Brits are classy!

If we ever get you to come out, we'll go fire off some rounds in the Desert or the Mountains. Great Fun, I promise. We'll even have you fire off a couple of .50 Cal's or maybe a 44 Mag...Clint Eastwood style,"Go ahead, make my day!"

That is, if we haven't convinced you that we're all mad!

About guns:
The Glock is my choice because of it's utility. I was trained with the Barretta FS, kinda like a Alpha Romeo...nice, but, no Ferrari!

I've got 9 and 40. I'm a bit more consistent with the 9 and it carries a few more rounds which is a little more convenient at the range.

I've gotta come up and ride with y'all. You've got a good mind-set and it sounds like you and the kid RIP!



Offline Paul

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What tools do you carry?
« Reply #20 on: October 27, 2003, 01:08:10 PM »
When you care enough to spray the very most, nothing like a SAW :lol:


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What tools do you carry?
« Reply #21 on: October 27, 2003, 01:13:19 PM »
Sounds like a "Grease Gun"?

Have you ever seen a Glock 18? Full auto pistol w/ 33 round mag! 8)

Simply beautiful. And fits in the pocket, too!

I don't think we'll ever hear from John again. He's probably calling Interpol right now! :lol:


Offline Paul

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What tools do you carry?
« Reply #22 on: October 27, 2003, 02:24:17 PM »
Have ever seen a M249 Squad Automatic Weapon? This is my baby when i go out the helo door. It's right here

Offline John

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What tools do you carry?
« Reply #23 on: October 27, 2003, 08:55:27 PM »
Crazy Yanks!

UK riders carry brollies - not guns!

Brollie is short for umbrella? :wink:


Offline Paul

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What tools do you carry?
« Reply #24 on: October 28, 2003, 12:08:58 AM »
John, I don't carry a weapon when I ride. I carry that weapon when I'm at work. ;)


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What tools do you carry?
« Reply #25 on: October 28, 2003, 10:06:21 AM »
Nice Unit. I did some "Work" with the 7th Light, back in the day, and they had a couple of guys that carried hardware that looked just like that. The guys that I spent my time with had B.A.R. type weapons. There motto,"Reach-out and Touch someone!" and, of-course,"We're here...we own it!". Both of these "Mentalities" worked quite well in Panama. These guys had a lot of fun on the Golf Course. I'll explain later...
