Author Topic: I found a KTM!  (Read 5296 times)

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I found a KTM!
« on: October 22, 2003, 06:27:38 PM »
Tuesdays my first day off(I work weekend nights)and I got up late but headed out for a ride knowing I'd finish up in the dark.I picked a trail I haven't ridden in 5 months thats like riding on softball size or a little bigger rocks in the Mtns and through the woods.Half way through and the sun is setting, I climb out of a canyon up the mountain and were it levels off it goes around a blind corner and dips through a little stream.At the last minute I duck to the side as 2 pine trees about 10" in diameter that were laying across the trail about head high are sticking out into the edge of the trail(they were cut off with a chain saw from laying across the trail).Thats when I find a KTM525 down in a 50' ravine,but it got hung up on the first 10' because of some branches grabbing the foot pegs.I called out and no answer or sighn of them untill I see there helmet sitting up the trail.So I figure they hiked out and I continued on up when I ran into the owner 1/8mile up.Nice guy,he was just stopping by for a ride as he headed home to the Bay area from Oregon.What happened was he came the same direction I did and hit his head on that pine tree and that threw him over the edge.But he couldnt get his bike so he started to hike out untill he heard me comming his way.I told him he was lucky because I never run into any one out there when I ride on a week day.It took a while but we got his bike out a few inches at a time up the cliff (new fourstrokes may be light,but it sure felt heavy)the clutch must of got air in the line because it wasn't working,but we rode out together to the parking area.The sun was setting at the time,he wasn't familer with the area and it was a 25 or 30 mile loop.Thats a long walk in the dark!I'm just glad I was at the right place at the right time.

Offline Paul

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I found a KTM!
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2003, 12:10:33 AM »
Lucky for that guy you came along. I try to never ride alone but it happens, on those days I just take it easy and don't push it. Anyways, glad to hear your rode ended up with all parties safe and hopefully he won't ride unfamiliar areas alone anymore.


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I found a KTM!
« Reply #2 on: October 23, 2003, 04:01:54 AM »
No kidding! Nice save! :wink:


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I found a KTM!
« Reply #3 on: October 23, 2003, 07:41:46 AM »
That guy is lucky you came along.  When I usually find someone along the trail, they are in bad shape, and several have needed life flight.  Finding the injured has become common enough that I started to carry several sets of rubber gloves in my fanny pack.  Don't want any of those nasty illnesses that are becoming more common.

I am always surprised at the reaction of folks when an injury occurs.  Most will real at the sight of blood or bone, at a time when someone needs help the most.  Even friends go the other way.  Fortunately, those who back away from the injury are all too willing to go get a truck for transport, or ride out to make the call for life flight.

Over the years, my sons and I have attended to enough injuries on the trail that the boys are past their apprehension at the site of blood and bone, and have been of great assistance when everyone else didn't want involved.

All we have is each other out there in the woods and desert.  It's great to see folks helping one another.


Offline John

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I found a KTM!
« Reply #4 on: October 23, 2003, 08:56:41 AM »
On the subject, a friend of mine who is a doctor always brings all kinds of stuff with him out in the forest when we go riding, plaster and all. Anyway, it?s a good idea to at least have a first aid kit with you. You never know what could happen...

Different subject: I once tossed my bike (gaining too much confidence when practicing wheelies and shifting gears) in a flooded stream. The only part of the bike above the water was the left handlebar. Luckily enough, I didn?t hurt myself and nobody was around to see me strip naked and drag the bike up to dry land...

Lesson learned: always bring tools with you so you can dismount and drain the water from your exhaust system. And the most important thing off all ? do not forget mosquito repellant!

A good advice is to never ride alone (except when you have to strip naked that is).



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I found a KTM!
« Reply #5 on: October 24, 2003, 05:42:45 AM »
All kinds of things can work for first aid.  For instance, I once came upon a gent that had a compound fracture of the left forearm (that's where bone is protruding through the skin).  The poor guy was in serious pain because of the pressure on the injury as he attempted to support his arm.  Since the drive to cell coverage was quite long, I used a magazine (Dirt Rider of course) rolled around his arm and duct tape to make a splint.  Kept the arm rigid until ariving at the ER.  The point is that being creative can help find all kinds of first aid supplies.  You don't even want to know what I once used for a Tracheotomy... :lol:

I, too, have had the pleasure of rescuing my big green monster from the watery depths on one occassion.  While I remained fully clothed (I was already wet when I fell over anyway), it took an hour to pump the water from the engine.  The water also shorted the CDI trigger on the stator plate, which cost me a race when it failed, and first place on the year.   :cry:  Finally replaced the entire stator instead of messing around with trying to replace the trigger.  I don't like not finishing races.

As for tools, over the years, I have defined a small selection of tools that have solved all of the problems I have encountered.  I'll start another thread on my selection so we can all share thoughts.  It will interesting to see what everone carries with them on the trail.



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I found a KTM!
« Reply #6 on: October 24, 2003, 08:08:28 AM »
Sorry to say but I ride alone 99% of the time,most people say they ride and when you push them on it it turns out they dont.Or it's to hot,cold, wet ,muddy,dark,dusty, ect.So I dont have a choice.But Manny and I are going to start riding on Fridays it seems!See how great this web site is,I finally will have someone to ride with!

Offline Paul

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I found a KTM!
« Reply #7 on: October 24, 2003, 08:23:31 AM »
Very cool that you and Manny live that close together. Has he got you talked into making the trek to Glamis with him :lol:


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I found a KTM!
« Reply #8 on: October 24, 2003, 08:28:56 PM »
No,only because of work.Not enough vacation days because I've used most of them,but I'll plan for nekt year.


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I found a KTM!
« Reply #9 on: October 26, 2003, 09:41:02 AM »
Yeah, Mike and I are going to start "Keepin' It Real" on our rides! We BOTH have trials bikes! Well, sorta...I've got a wannabe Trails bike (TR200-Reflex) and he's got a GasGas!

Those things are a blast at Shasta!

Hey Mike, was this coming down trail "5"? That section's the pits on drum brakes!

I think I saw this guy up there on Monday. All by himself on a Pumpkin Bike?



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I found a KTM!
« Reply #10 on: October 27, 2003, 05:45:08 AM »
Hi Manny,no it was trail #6 a ways before you get to #50 junction.It may have been him,drove a silver Ford truck.You guys probally think were talking in some secret code,but were not.One of yhe local riding areas has the trails marked with #'s and difficulty on little plastic sighns at each trail and they provide maps of the area,makes it nice to let some-one know where your going.The other area I ride at has nothing as far markings and the first time I rode there I got lost,it started to snow,no visability and I was almost out of gas.I found my way out and thats why I carry the pink marking tape in my fanny pack now!