All kinds of things can work for first aid. For instance, I once came upon a gent that had a compound fracture of the left forearm (that's where bone is protruding through the skin). The poor guy was in serious pain because of the pressure on the injury as he attempted to support his arm. Since the drive to cell coverage was quite long, I used a magazine (Dirt Rider of course) rolled around his arm and duct tape to make a splint. Kept the arm rigid until ariving at the ER. The point is that being creative can help find all kinds of first aid supplies. You don't even want to know what I once used for a Tracheotomy...
I, too, have had the pleasure of rescuing my big green monster from the watery depths on one occassion. While I remained fully clothed (I was already wet when I fell over anyway), it took an hour to pump the water from the engine. The water also shorted the CDI trigger on the stator plate, which cost me a race when it failed, and first place on the year.

Finally replaced the entire stator instead of messing around with trying to replace the trigger. I don't like not finishing races.
As for tools, over the years, I have defined a small selection of tools that have solved all of the problems I have encountered. I'll start another thread on my selection so we can all share thoughts. It will interesting to see what everone carries with them on the trail.