Author Topic: idling  (Read 2528 times)

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Offline mysnykkx500

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« on: October 07, 2008, 01:36:45 PM »
Just wondering if my kx 500 (with new topend new reeds new everything) should idle and for how long?? The guy at my local shop said  "2 strokes don't idle" I said" my 250 r Idled" he said "thats not a race bike ??"  I am pretty sure it should idle indefinatly Am I right or is He ??  :|   :x :x


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Re: idling
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2008, 01:43:06 PM »
mine idle  fine ,,, for how ever long you want

Offline Hillclimb#42

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Re: idling
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2008, 11:17:14 PM »
 Would not want to trump Stewart on this matter, but here's my two cents. My bikes idle no problem. I believe motocrossers don't always let their bikes idle in an effort to help slow the bike in corners. They down shift more than the casual rider and the extra slide opening(for idle) slows the bike less during a down shift/ turn. If it is all built and jetted correctly it should be able to be adjusted to idle easily. Check the jetting chart. Set it up just like it recommends and it will probably idle without any further adjustment.

Offline KX500freak

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Re: idling
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2008, 01:06:36 AM »
my both kx500,s can idle just nice..
but i don,t want,m to ,because off what,s told above, i like m stalling
idle it  gives an extra drive in approaching corners i just don,t want :|

Dutch Team Green 91-94-01 KX500


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Re: idling
« Reply #4 on: October 08, 2008, 01:47:28 AM »
Would not want to trump Stewart on this matter, but here's my two cents. My bikes idle no problem. I believe motocrossers don't always let their bikes idle in an effort to help slow the bike in corners. They down shift more than the casual rider and the extra slide opening(for idle) slows the bike less during a down shift/ turn. If it is all built and jetted correctly it should be able to be adjusted to idle easily. Check the jetting chart. Set it up just like it recommends and it will probably idle without any further adjustment.
thats great info,,i  like my bikes to idle  because i dont like to have to kick them any more than i have to ,,,  getting old

Offline bigbellybob

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Re: idling
« Reply #5 on: October 08, 2008, 03:12:37 AM »
i haven't had a bike that idled after 1996. i tune my bikes to transition good off idle to WFO and when I'm happy with the tuning they don't idle for more than a couple of seconds. i have got really good at keeping it running when gearing up. blip and put on helmet, blip and strap helmet, blip put on a glove,etc, etc. it has never been a problem and i have never thought man i wish my bike would idle. its also a good tool if my bike starts idling its time to start looking for a air leak. mx bikes typically don't idle that's why you see someone on the starting gate keeping the bike running for the rider.

also with every thing fresh your jetting needs could have changed slightly





Offline Friar-Tuck

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Re: idling
« Reply #6 on: October 08, 2008, 06:23:52 AM »
The guy at my local shop said  "2 strokes don't idle"   I said " my 250 r Idled"  he said  "that's not a race bike." ??
I have found that keeping questions at the dealers parts / counter open ended and try to let them feel their knowledge is greatly appreciated.  I wasn't even allowed to go back and talk to the "Techs" until I had built a better repoir with the guys upfront.  When I had a question the counter  guys didn't "Get" they would call back for a tech and he would seem like I was bothering him and annoyed..
  I have made the mistake of trying to figure out where they got there information  and discussing  some things and it ended it up like I was trying to make them look stupid. (Bad Dog..No Biscuit..)

The  shop I currently use believes what they tell me has been taken as Gospel.
 I get a 20% discount and the guys there are always glad to see me.  They have even sent stuff to my house no charge so I wouldn't have to drive up (97mi.) to get it, and will order Kawasaki parts for me even though they don't sell Kawasaki's.
Personally I didn't think that was a big deal but it's like a covert operation with the parts guy.
   If I have a few extra bucks I'll take in a Pizza or Mickey-D's.  They have saved me lots more than a $20.00 bill.

  Call it what you will, Shmoozing, Sucking Up,Payolla Whatever..
They have the stuff I need and can get it as cheap or cheaper than the online places, and I don't have to pay shipping.
When I was putting together my cr500 they had the cyl. & head work sent out and back. No charge for the shipping back and forth and discount on the machinework :wink:

   Knowing what I know now, I'll send all my machine/engine work to Stuart, even the Red ones (if he'll accept it).
Let him order up what he needs and go with it.
Sorry to have rambled,
 but I guess the bottom line is by doing a little homework like you are 8-), you can find out the Facts of the matter.
Treating the Bike Shop guys like they're "Special" (no pun intended) should save you some sheckles :wink:
  Tuck \o/
"The Truth Has No Agenda"