The guy at my local shop said "2 strokes don't idle" I said " my 250 r Idled" he said "that's not a race bike." ??
I have found that keeping questions at the dealers parts / counter open ended and try to let them feel their knowledge is greatly appreciated. I wasn't even allowed to go back and talk to the "Techs" until I had built a better repoir with the guys upfront. When I had a question the counter guys didn't "Get" they would call back for a tech and he would seem like I was bothering him and annoyed..
I have made the mistake of trying to figure out where they got there information and discussing some things and it ended it up like I was trying to make them look stupid. (Bad Dog..No Biscuit..)
The shop I currently use believes what they tell me has been taken as Gospel.
I get a 20% discount and the guys there are always glad to see me. They have even sent stuff to my house no charge so I wouldn't have to drive up (97mi.) to get it, and will order Kawasaki parts for me even though they don't sell Kawasaki's.
Personally I didn't think that was a big deal but it's like a covert operation with the parts guy.
If I have a few extra bucks I'll take in a Pizza or Mickey-D's. They have saved me lots more than a $20.00 bill.
Call it what you will, Shmoozing, Sucking Up,Payolla Whatever..
They have the stuff I need and can get it as cheap or cheaper than the online places, and I don't have to pay shipping.
When I was putting together my cr500 they had the cyl. & head work sent out and back. No charge for the shipping back and forth and discount on the machinework

Knowing what I know now, I'll send all my machine/engine work to Stuart, even the Red ones (if he'll accept it).
Let him order up what he needs and go with it.
Sorry to have rambled,
but I guess the bottom line is by doing a little homework like you are

, you can find out the Facts of the matter.
Treating the Bike Shop guys like they're "Special" (no pun intended) should save you some sheckles

Tuck \o/