Author Topic: Stupid cop shows  (Read 2662 times)

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Offline BDI

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Stupid cop shows
« on: October 01, 2008, 05:53:50 PM »
I hate these d**n cops shows. I'm watching tv tonight and they show these cops pull a guy over, the guy gets scared and trys to drive off. The cop hangs on to the side of the car and runs down the street shooting the guy through the window. You see the car go down the street out of control and slam a tree, obviously the cop got a good shot off. Now the stupid show acts like the cop is justified for shooting the guy because the guy put the cop at risk. The stupid cop choose to hang on to the car :? he put himself at risk. You know we live in a screwed up society when all a cop has to do to shoot someone is put himself at risk by deliberately jumping out in front of a moving car or simply hanging on to the side of it. Then they show this cop pull over a mother and her two kids for a simple speed infraction. While the cop has her pulled over they get slamed by a speeding car on the freeway. They go on and on about the cop and how lucky he was to survive :? The guy was standing on the non-trafic side of the car and didn't even get a scratch :x not to mention he's the prick that created the dangerous situation. How about we hear about the poor women and kids who nearly got killed for doing ten over. It pisses me off that a cop can chase someone down at a 110 mph swerving in and out of traffic and then make someone sit on the shoulder of a highway while cars fly by at 65 plus MPH  :x Yea that's safe. Have you ever had to change a tire on the highway while cars fly buy only a couple of feet away :? That is easily one of the most scariest things I have ever had to do :-o I will take 120 mph stand up wheelie on my gsxr1000 over that any day but they will throw me right in jail for that and just drive right buy you while you change your tire even though it's probably more dangerous and puts more people at risk. I think the thing that pisses me off the most about these stupid cop shows is how they show cops doing things that are just plain wrong and immoral and justify it with lame ass excusses that insult one's intelligence. When the stupid tweeker gets his tank stuck on the freeway wall you drag him out kick his ass and prosecute him accordingly :-) you don't cap him in the back of his head execution style :x
« Last Edit: October 01, 2008, 05:58:07 PM by BDI »
Smoke every cigarette like It's your last and ride like you stole something!!!

Offline KX500freak

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Re: Stupid cop shows
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2008, 07:54:03 PM »
i,m with you,s crazy how cops in the usa act...sometimes..
we in holland are not used to the wildwest actions undertaken by some off those beasts..
step out the car!! spread ,m !!!against the vehicle!! :-D :-D
if you will be reluctant to do so they have all kinds of stuff ,to make you to :-o

anyways we did have an incident lately, that has been discussed big time by bikers from holland..
its the action of some crazy wild cop who had to do .....this action for a biker on the run ..
the story is not known so if its stolen or just used for the huge speed voilation is thus unknown..
never the less you, r screwed when you end up like this  :-P :-P

just like stall says.. :|
Dutch Team Green 91-94-01 KX500

Offline bigbellybob

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Re: Stupid cop shows
« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2008, 04:31:37 AM »
i feel you cops always do stupid stuff and its ok because there cop's.
the biggest problem i have is if a cop has a K-9 come after me and i kill it i go down for murdering and officer not a dog and officer just as if i killed the cop that let it go. but if a cop hops my wall and my pit is in the back yard they will shoot it. do they go down for killing on of my family members? ( my dog sleeps with me and is part of the family) no! nothing happens my dogs dead and the cop gets nothing.





Offline BDI

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Re: Stupid cop shows
« Reply #3 on: October 02, 2008, 02:54:40 PM »
I'm not trying to bash the cops as much as the stupid shows that over dramatize everything that happens. The dramatics and asinine excuses the shows make just drive me nuts. When they show a kid get pulled over for speeding and he gets scared because he's high and trys to run, don't tell me the cop is justified for shooting him just because the cop didn't want to let go of the car. I ran from the cops as a kid plenty of times and I'm sure a lot you reading this did too but I don't think any one deserves to die for running from the cops.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2008, 06:21:52 PM by BDI »
Smoke every cigarette like It's your last and ride like you stole something!!!

Offline mysnykkx500

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Re: Stupid cop shows
« Reply #4 on: October 03, 2008, 12:42:09 PM »
Cops r really out of control we got pulled over in a parking lot. I had just pulled into a parking space and my wife gets out to go in the store while I get a no seatbelt ticket and he pulls his gun on her !!!!!WTF she wasn't even facin him just heading into the store...  They really act like they can do or say whatever they want and we HAVE to listen...  I actually had a cop tell me that I HAD to quit smiling while he was givin my buddy a ticket talk about BS

Offline k5abuser

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Re: Stupid cop shows
« Reply #5 on: October 04, 2008, 02:05:39 AM »
me and my buddy mike ( boss at the time) class two weapons dealer ( machine guns +) get pulled over about 1 in the morning . our wives are in front of us we had all been at the movies. the cop pulls us over and ask for id on mike and said have you been drinking i smell acoh, and your eyes are red. i said why did you pulls us over he said i need your id too. i said why ( i had to give my id too) . the officer said we had a tail light out . then he stated he couldn't  see it was on from his side of the road . i told him just becuase it was 1 am and we were in a 4 door dualie didn't mean we were drinking and that mike had never had a drink in his life. i told him i would be calling his sargent . he called us in and then let us go ( no ticket  he was just fishing) .i called his sargent . 2 days later he was let go ./// i had another cop pull me over at 2 am he was fishing too . he called me in came back give me my id told me to wait while he went around that he a had a call . i pulled out behind him  and we ran 95 mph . i was on his tail . he turned and i went past   then pulled over behide a bus barn , and  watched him come back 10 sec. later with lights off.another bad fisher man, :evil: or was i the lucky one that got away!!!! :-o :?
race gas is fast but Q16 hauls azz.i still ride because i am not ready to have been that fast. i ride a kx500 because they don't make a kx600!ck k5abuser on youtube

Offline k5abuser

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Re: Stupid cop shows
« Reply #6 on: October 04, 2008, 02:17:50 AM »
BDI i agree that the cop shows show one side of the story . they do not tell how many officers get in trouble for over steping their bounds. they just tend to show the sheep out there watching what they want to see .
race gas is fast but Q16 hauls azz.i still ride because i am not ready to have been that fast. i ride a kx500 because they don't make a kx600!ck k5abuser on youtube