Guys, I know this doesn't belong on this forum, but the only other forum I belong to that is motorcycle oriented is and they don't have a tech section and there are so many really intelligent tech guys here I thought you might know what I'm up against.
I have a '98 CBR600 F3 Smokin' Joe edition with just over 6000 miles on the odometer that I picked up from a buddy last year with around 3000 miles on it. He owned it since new. Well, we've been getting our monsoon storms here in AZ so I haven't been able to ride street much, so it's sat under it's tarp-like cover for about a month. When I parked it it ran fine.
Problem: I started it the other day and it would start with the choke on, but as soon as you turn the choke off, it immediately dies. If you try to give it any gas, it immediately bogs and will immediately die if you don't let off the throttle. It will, however, idle indefinitely (although very poorly) with the choke on. I started it on two different days with the same results both times. Do you think it could be in the bike's intake not getting air or something? I tried changing the fuel petcock to reserve and back to on and it remains the same...

I cannot state it enough, I'm not a mechanic and the nearest H**** dealer is 120 miles away. I don't know where to look first. Please help! Thanx,