I think you might find this article of some interest. (it is a bit dated, but valid I think) I understand the Helmholtz effect of the intake tract/ports cylinder charging, exhaust and all, and the cost would be crazy to engineer a workable "Tuned" induction for max hp./rpm at whatever Stewart would build the engine for.
As a very loose rule of thumb, just compare the dynamic pressure at the speed you're travelling against atmospheric ambient.
Dynamic pressure = 0.5 * density * speed^2
120mph ~ 54m/sec
density ~1.225 kg/m^3
the dynamic pressure at 120mph is about 1800Pa.
Atmospheric ambient will be somewhere around 101300Pa, so about 1.8% 'more air'.
So not a lot, but some. Thats why the guys in the article saw the hp go up with speed.
I'm not for sure, but what could Stewart do with 1.8% more air forced in the engine.
Just a thought...

Tuck \o/