Another dumb question from the midwest hillbilly...

I was under the impression that a stroked motor would take longer to wind out, where a stock crank would wind out faster thereby making a stroked motor have better top end. And may even lose a touch of the bottom. Also thought that bored motors would have more bottom since they are able to spin the same crank faster. After talking to my riding/racing buddies, they are convinced that the opposite is true. That a stroked motor is more torque and that it only pulls taller gear because it bogs less on the bottom. In my mind stroked or bored, adds cc's and therefore making it a bigger motor so I don't get it. They also said that I am confusing porting qualities with boring and stroking. I do get that stroking changes port timing, but I have to admit to the confused part. I am not even talking about doing either or both, its just that we race bikes that are, and thats where the conversation got started. Inside story is that stroking a little is better than boring or sleeving for hillclimbing because it gives better bottom end response. That also confuses me because these bikes stay on the pipe for the whole ride and never get to see the bottom range of the rpms. Any of you experts out there able to simplify this for me so I can digest it easier?