Author Topic: Tools: Best size Air stapler for seat covers?  (Read 2146 times)

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Offline KXcam22

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Tools: Best size Air stapler for seat covers?
« on: October 06, 2008, 02:20:49 PM »
  I need to buy an air stapler for general uphostery use and installing seat covers.  What is the best style/size to get and what depth staples should a guy use.  My electric one will not puncture the seat base with enough force. Thanks. Cam.

Offline maddoggy

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Re: Tools: Best size Air stapler for seat covers?
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2008, 02:42:11 PM »
i have a stanley-bostitch finish nailer that is awesome, however it is not a stapler. bostitch tools perform great. i'm not sure if they make an air stapler that will accept 1/4" staples. i'm sure you already know that 1/4" is the max length you want to use on a seat cover. i have a stanley electric staple gun and it won't even shoot 3/8" staples deep enough into a 2x4 at max setting. hope this helps you cam.   MADDOGGY

Offline BDI

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Re: Tools: Best size Air stapler for seat covers?
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2008, 04:40:44 AM »
I'm not sure who makes the best one but you would be best off to get one that is upholstery specific they have a snout that lets you get into tight places like on a bike seat. I also agree with the 1/4" staples anyting shorter pulls out and anything longer comes through your seat cover on the other side. You may wan't to go into your local upholstery shop and ask the guys who work there what they like, people who use a tool every day tend to figur out what is junk and what is not. The only thing I can say bad about bostich is years ago when I framed houses all of their stuff would only shoot nails made by them and they were the most expensive you could buy. I think they have gotten away from that now and they have a rep of being top of the line for years. When you decide I would like to know what you get and why I need to get one also. Thanks
« Last Edit: October 07, 2008, 04:50:57 AM by BDI »
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Offline KXcam22

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Re: Tools: Best size Air stapler for seat covers?
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2008, 09:54:25 AM »
Thanks for the info. Today I bought a cheap 3/8" crown upholstery stapler and some 1/4" staples.  A nice addition to my air nailer collection. Cam.

Offline KXcam22

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Re: Tools: Best size Air stapler for seat covers?
« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2008, 03:05:56 AM »
Works great, easiest seat cover I ever installed. Shoots like an uzi. A few minor "doh" learning issues and Fluffy the cat took a couple of rounds but after that everything was fine. Cam.