Ok, so I hardly ever post here, I'm usually stuck over at ThumperTalk, but I figured you guys might like this

I just recently got some 17's for my 500 Hybrid

I only have one picture of my bike with 17's, my camera died...
I got the new wheels about 2 weeks ago, and this thing is ridiculously fun, plus I can kill my buddies around town on their sportbikes, plus, in about 15 minutes I can throw on my dirt wheels and go do a 80' double.
Anyways, I'll give you the lowdown on some of the specs:
1994 KX500 Engine transplanted into a 2005 KX250F Chassis
Wiesco Top End
Hot Rods Crank and Connecting Rod
Boyesen Reed Valves
Tusk Clutch w/ HD springs
Pro Circuit Works CR500 Pipe and Silencer - Modified
Excel Front Rim
Warp 9 Rear Rim
15-40 Gearing
EBC 320mm Front Brake
Custom Coolant Catch Bottle
KX250F Airbox matched to KX500 Boot
Custom Radiator Hoses
Wiring Harness and Hidden Lights
Plus a whole crap load of other little things............
It's got a thin layer of dust and grime on it, so it's not a shiny as it could be, and you can see where my pipe is cracked by the mount. d**n thing vibrates so much...
Here are some pictures of the bike before the 17's, so you can see some of the other mods: