Well... I actually have a child now... which is something I had a great fear would not happen after I left wife #1 of 10 years (which she really was a good woman) to marry #2 (psycho b!tch from heLL)... only to have #2 (who was one hell of a ride sexually speaking) eventually decide she wasn't happy in the relationship (which meant she wasn't the shot-caller) and (it's my opinion) that she wanted a guy making a salary with at least 6 decimal places to the LEFT of the decimal point. So there I was dumped on my ass at age 34.
Dating, dating, dating, awesome conquests, wild stuff... got involved with someone whose divorce was not final... got my heart CRUSHED when they decided to make amends for the sake of the children.
Well... I woke up the next day after having told God the night before that if he didn't have plans for me to meet someone that he could simply stop my breathing and take me away and I wouldn't be mad. And since I woke up, I figured that's my sign.
Weird series of events... but long story short met a gorgeous lady who'd been single about the same amount of time from the end of my 1st marriage to that point in which she and I met. I was quickly terse and to-the-point with her and quickly made known my intention of desiring a child, she said she wanted to have a child but had mentally sort of written it off in her head that it might not happen. We met when I was 36 and she was 37 so we'd have to get crackin' if we were gonna have a child. Also she had some long standing Gyno issues that needed painful surgery to correct. Anyhoo suffice it to say that my unin with her and us now having a child had not only a lot of cosmic timing involved... but a lot of personal sacrifice.
So now that my son Connor is in the picture, here are some goals and rules...
I want to make myself financially independent so as not to be a burden on him in my old age.
I must keep up my fitness and health so I can rough-house with him like he deserves.
My rule is... he can't drive a car until he passes me in the desert on dirt-bikes and makes me look like I'm tied to a pole. I learned to ride dirt 1st before anything else and it has saved my life numerous times.
I wanna be able to give him fatherly advice. A resource I never really had after age 10.
I want to dump as much of my own knowledge as I can into his head before I start getting old and dingy in the head.
I want to teach him all the Mac-Skillz I've developed over the years. (Think I'm lyin? You try getting a 3rd women to marry you! Skillz!