Author Topic: Newbie  (Read 4976 times)

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« on: October 03, 2003, 08:46:15 PM »
Hi all!
  I'm new here. I recently met Manny on another forum board, and have been talking with him about how I'd like to have a two-stroke bike again.
  I sent him this PM (private message). He seemed to like it, and he suggested that I post it here in hopes that some of the KX loyal would share their thoughts, opinions, and advice. I hope so too, as I value anything you all have to say.  Thanks, Jeff (alias Rusty)    
 P.S.  I just realized after I entered this that I probably put it in the wrong section. This is Maint&Tech and it should have gone in General, sorry.  

 Re: KX 500s and associated forums  
 Sent to: teamgreen
I signed up as "Rusty" on pit-bull, (my man Rusty Wallace, driver of the #2 Miller Lite Dodge on the NASCAR tracks). I'm Jeff Taylor, a 42 year old crude unit operator at a Marathon Oil Co. refinery here in northeastern KY. A member of the Oil Chemical & Atomic Workers Intl. Union Local 3-214, married 15 yrs, no kids, and a dirt bike rider since age 8.
I really appreciate your taking an interest in helping me find the right 2-stroke for me, so let me give you some background info.
My first bike was an XR 75, I've had a Suzuki TM 100, TM 250, and TM 400, a Kawasaki G5 100 (orange), and an old worn out KX 125. My first brand new bike was a 1979 KDX 400 (air-cooled, twin shocks). That bike sparked an interest in me to try racing, so I traded it a year later for a 1980 KX 250 which I raced one season on in 250 "B" class, and then traded for my KX 420 which I raced in open "B" until I dislocated a shoulder and screwed up my knee. I gave up MX before I got too physically f'd up to be able to hold down a job.  Truth is I was never really fast anyways.
I sold my 420 and went bikeless for several years (except for my KZ 750 LTD). Then one day on the way home from work I saw some kids riding in a hay field. I pulled off the road and just watched them for a while. God what fun they were having! It all came rushing back to me in an youth, trail riding, no pressure to win anything, riding just for the hell of it...just for the pure FUN of it!
I started back on XR's. Not because I bleed Honda red or anything, but just simply because they were my roots. I was by God going back to see if I could find that sheer joy and happiness I had as a kid on that old XR my dad bought me, and I's still there.
I've got my XR 400 uncorked, jetted perfect at 160/60, and running at it's full potential for a stocker internally. I ride it at Hatfield/McCoy's in WV and in Ohio's Wayne National Forest, both are pretty much your typical tight eastern woods conditions...deep hollows with creek crossings, steep muddy or rocky hill climbs, mountain switchbacks, and tight twisty tree-lined single track.
I'm having a blast on my XR, but I see guys out there on 2-strokes going faster and not working as hard doing it either, and I want to try that.
There's actually 3 bikes that I've been thinking about. First the big K-reX 500, because it takes me back to my 420 and my KDX 400 and man did I ever love them, and it's like the latter day ancestor of them. Plus,...well hell it's the King of the Jungle!
Number two: The owner of my local Kaw shop, Tom, whom I went to school with since jr. high, raced with and now trail ride with, and whose opinions I tend to trust, is trying to steer me toward a KDX 220 or 200 for some reason. And it's not just because he happens to have a 200 in stock, I know Tommy too well for too many years, he'd order me anything I wanted, he's done it before. No, he actually thinks I'd be happier with a little KDX. I just can't get him to say exactly why. Do you suppose he thinks a KX 500 would just simply be too much for me to handle in the woods, but doesn't want to hurt my feelings or piss me off? He raced K5's for years after I quit, and now races a beautifully restored '73 KX 450 proto-type in vintage MX. I only mention that so you'll know a little about him, and that he really does know all about KX 500's and that he's not just some wind bag salesman talking out his ass. He'll order me a K5 if that's what I want, he just won't get on board with the choice and get behind me on that decision for some reason.
Lastly, I hooked up with two speedballs on KTM 300 EXC's last week up at the Wayne. We rode together all day, and one of them let me take a little spin. It was sweet, light and quick as hell! Naturally they both thought that was the bike for me. But I don't know much about KTM's other than they're expensive as hell, and I don't know how reliable and dependable they are long term. I do know I wouldn't touch one of their 4-strokes with a ten foot pole, them things is time bombs, trouble just waiting to happen. Just look at the KTM forum or some time. Cam bearings going out, water pumps, clutch basket nuts coming off, fork seals leaking, engine oil leaks, kick stands breaking off, chains eating through the swingarm...Geez, no thank you. But these guys said the two strokes weren't like that, so who knows?
What do you think Manny? I'd really appreciate any and all thoughts you have on any or all three bikes.
Sorry I rambled on so long, but I've really been mulling this one over.

Thanks again man!


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« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2003, 10:30:10 PM »
If you hadnt been riding a XR400 lately Id say get the KDX,but since your coming off a XR400 move up to the KX500.Either way KDX or KX youll be happy,its just you need to do some work to make the KDX faster(and you can make them fast).I do all kinds of riding on my 500,including tight woods,youll love it up steep hills!


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« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2003, 04:21:31 AM »
Hey Jeff,

Doesn't Mike's response sound familiar?

Mike, I said the same thing. I also told him about the KDX 500s around here!



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« Reply #3 on: October 06, 2003, 08:29:21 AM »
Now, unlike most of the folks on this site, I had never thrown my leg over a bike until I was 29 years old.  I had raced quarter mile quite a bit, so liked speed, but found that it was not real interesting for my oldest son.  As a result, I abandoned cars, and bought a couple of dirt bikes, with the promise to my wife that we would never race  :lol: .

Originally, I rode a KX250 exclusively.  However, since I never learned to ride an 80 or 125, I never learned to use a clutch.  About three years ago, I got my hands on a new 1999 KX500, and was able to ride/race it for almost 6 months for free.  After having it for 6 months, I decided to just buy the bike, as it was more fun to ride than anything else I had ridden.  I rode the 1999 until late in 2001, when I purchased my current 2002 KX500.

My point here is that I didn't have all the experience that a lot of folks seem to have on bikes, but was able to adapt very well to the big KX5.  So much so, that in 2001 (I was 42 at the time), I won the Open Expert class in the regional series, and 4th overall.

My oppinion, if you like your XR400, you're going to just love the KX500.  Get Acme to do the suspension work, throw on the reed spacer and a flywheel, and you'll never regret the decision.  It will take a little time to get used to all that power, but just work up to the potential of the bike.  The key to full enjoyment....Just relax and let it happen.



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« Reply #4 on: October 06, 2003, 09:38:58 AM »
Hey Rusty,

Rick forgot to mention...BALLS! If you're really going to enjoy these things, you've gotta have a set! :lol:  :twisted:  :roll:



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« Reply #5 on: October 06, 2003, 09:53:53 AM »
oops! I'm missing those!  :shock:
Maybe THAT is why i don't ride a KX5-hunny~

BTW~Welcome to the site, Rusty! :mrgreen:


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« Reply #6 on: October 06, 2003, 01:45:07 PM »
I just wanna know where he came up with KreX.....uhmmm....I thought I was only one in the whole world who would cross a large green big bore bike with an old, extinct, king of the dinosaurs! Of course the offspring was my beloved '87 that I recently sold. Either way, welcome aboard friend.


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« Reply #7 on: October 06, 2003, 07:30:33 PM »
I just wanna know where he came up with KreX

  Uhmmm, I didn't come up with it ShanMan. I saw you use it, knew exactly what it meant, and thought it fitting and perfect!

BALLS! If you're really going to enjoy these things, you've gotta have a set!

   With a 32" inseam on a 37.5" seat height, plus fifty-some long could I really expect to keep a set anyways?

   Thanks all for the warm welcome.  :)

  BTW...I've got a pic shot by one of those professional sports action photographers of me racing my '80 KX250 in the sloppy red mud of Athens (Ohio) MX in the first race of the year, late Feb. 1981.
  I'm pretty 'puter stupid on how to post stuff like that, but I'd be happy to send it to someone e-mail if anyone wants to see it.
    Cheers,  Rusty


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« Reply #8 on: October 07, 2003, 02:53:09 AM »
I've been out of bikes since '91. Last year I had a 2002 CR250 and a CRF450. It came back pretty quick. Now I have a 2003 KX500. I love it. I'm just gonna add a little bottom and regear it this week.

Rusty Wallace? Sorry, never heard of him. I don't watch hockey man.  :twisted:

Seriously, The 500 is a monster which scares a lot of people. I got one friend who has a CRF450 and he won't even ride my 500. LOL. I keep telling him it's not that bad. If he'd only try it, he'd see the light. She tracks sooo straight and true...she is not abrupt and is super smooth in the motor department.

On the other hand...I have a couple friends with those KTM 300's. They are super machines as well. I'd take one of them over a smaller KDX anyday. They are light and have great power. They are a great woods bike.

On the other hand...I ain't workin' half as hard as them in the faster stuff.

It's up to you man....just get something and ride already!


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« Reply #9 on: October 07, 2003, 06:50:02 AM »
Quote from: Rusty
I just wanna know where he came up with KreX

  Uhmmm, I didn't come up with it ShanMan. I saw you use it, knew exactly what it meant, and thought it fitting and perfect!

Ahhhhhhh.....I see!  :D  Well feel free to use it all you KXsa you KXsa.  :lol: