Hi KX500freak
The only things left on the Z1000 that are standard are the side panels and the clutch lever.
1979 Z1000A2
(Modified Frame/tank/tailpiece).
Bandit 1200 front end (complete).
Twin spot lights.
GPZ 1260cc
(Mega cycle cams/oversize valves/ported flowed/
welded crank/heavy duty clutch/ape cam chain adjuster).
Dyna ignition.
Dyna rev limiter.
36mm RS Mikuni's.
K & N filters.
Vance and Hines exhaust.
Bandit 1200 Back end (complete).
Tarozzi rear sets.
Home made grab bars.
Home made rear master cylinder set up.
Home made rear light cover.
Remote ignition and starting (No keys/home made wiring loom).
Miniature switch assembly.
Push bike speedo
I had a look at the 5ive last night, but I can't find my CLYMER manual.
This is what I have so far
Item Type Spec.
Fuel Pump 93/95 Octane Unleaded
2 Stroke Oil Synthetic Various off the shelf manufacturers
Mixture Ratio 40:1
Plug NGK BR8EG Fairly New
Timing Unknown
I took the timing cover off and some oil came out, I will assume this is bad.
Compression Unknown
Air filter(air box not fitted) RamAir
Foam Type MR-007 Carb. To Reed pipe Kawasaki Brand New
Reeds Unknown Condition unknown(don't know waht I'm looking for)
(I have a new set of Boyesen PRO50 reeds and shims but have never fitted any and no manual)
Exhaust Pro-circuit
Silencer Stock I think repacked
Carburettor# PWK V563DH24 40mm I.D.(is this a PWK39

Slide# 7
Needle # N28M
Needle clip position 1(at top of needle)
Main jet # 170
Pilot jet # 58
Airscrew turns 1 ? turns
Float height Appeared to be low so re-adjusted 16mm
The settings don't seem to be too far from the jetting chart apart from the needle clip.
Front sprocket 15 teeth
Rear sprocket 38 teeth
Rear Tyre Diameter 25 inches (including tyre VFR400 NC30)
Elevation Sea level (sometimes underwater:-D)
Temperature It?s the U.K. not very much 20/22?C on a very good day
Humidity 50%
Air pressure 1020mbar
Until I find CLYMER I may be a bit stuck. reeds, timing etc.