Author Topic: KX450F vs. KX500  (Read 60962 times)

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Re: KX450F vs. KX500
« Reply #75 on: July 15, 2008, 01:03:06 PM »
I have to post this....I originally was not going to post this becuase I know im going to be called a liar or whatever but here it goes while at pismo dunes this last weekend I dragged a few tricked out 450 quads( one in particular bored, camed, piped, jetted..ect., but it did have a stock swingarm, scared the crap out of me when we both took off and at about 3/4 down the track I look at my side and he was right there!?!!?!?? :-o ) and a couple 250 2-strokes and some other 450 4-strokes and low and behold I spot a kx500 about 300 feet away and I just have to race him so I haul arse over to him and pull up right next to him on the starting line of the drag strip at pismo and I hold up 5 fingers and ask "Is that a 500?" and he just plainly said Yep.... so I said lets have at it and we both pull down the slope and rip off and me being all nervous about racing a 500 I gassed the crap out of it and get a little squirly off the line and he gets about 1-2 bikes ahead of me off the start and we both pick up a tiny wheelie down the whole track thru the woops and I creep on him the whole  2-4th gear pull thru the woops and at the end I had about a 1 bike lead....

Now I know I have to account that I dont know the condition of the how it was actually running, what mods it had, if he sucked at dragging ect....ect all I know for sure was it was a kx500 it had a pipe and silencer and a 10 cupped paddle...also I have a feeling the suspension helped me get down the track quicker compared to 15 year old suspension but what happened...happened.

well theres my experience....let the flaming commence  :roll:

Also I forgot to mention but after I first raced him he signaled me over to race again and about 100 down the strip my bike popped out of gear and I almost endowed over the handle bars and he jetted off and I didnt see him again after that  :?
« Last Edit: July 15, 2008, 01:07:07 PM by kayx250 »

Offline GDubb

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Re: KX450F vs. KX500
« Reply #76 on: July 15, 2008, 01:39:09 PM »
I missed what you were riding... ?

Rock it 'til the wheels fall off!

"It's not what you ride... It's who you're riding for!" - -


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Re: KX450F vs. KX500
« Reply #77 on: July 15, 2008, 01:52:20 PM »
a bone stock 2008 kx450f


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Re: KX450F vs. KX500
« Reply #78 on: July 15, 2008, 02:44:39 PM »
traction is a big deal... sounds like you did great ..thanks for the story

Offline k5abuser

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Re: KX450F vs. KX500
« Reply #79 on: July 15, 2008, 02:51:08 PM »
if you raced less than 300 feet he probabley wasn't hooking up yet  even though he pulled you out of the hole (2nd gear launch). its simple . your atv 355 lbs and about 38 hp . stock kx500  / 225 lbs 55 hp . stewarts kx 500 /100 crank horse+. on the dyno it pulls 48 mph to 98 in under 4 seconds straped down with a 225 lb rider sitting on it . it just wont hook up till your topped in 4th gear sometimes 5th .i out ran a honda NSX CAR once in my 3 banger geo metro . he had his chance but he didn't hit the gas. :lol: :lol: :|
race gas is fast but Q16 hauls azz.i still ride because i am not ready to have been that fast. i ride a kx500 because they don't make a kx600!ck k5abuser on youtube


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Re: KX450F vs. KX500
« Reply #80 on: July 15, 2008, 03:32:20 PM »
I guess that is EXACTLY why I originally didnt want to post what happend........

Thats nice stewart has 100+ hp....I didnt race stewart I didnt claim too???? :?  Im not afraid to admit that his bike would kill about 99% of anything at the beach including me at any given time but I guess that is what makes me different from the majority of you guys...I can admit when I get beat and trust me i've been beat by bikes and quads both 2-stroke and 4-stroke

also who said I had a quad??? I have a kx450f which has 53 hp  stock not 38 and it weighs 220lbs not 355lbs (everybody launches in 2nd in the sand) and I dont know what gear he was in but I was almost at the limiter in 4th when we both let off at the end of the strip... I guess next time I'll just tell the guy screw it lets just plow thru the fence at the end of the strip at 80mph and keep going until we reach bakersfield and THEN see who wins. LLOL

I hope traction wasnt an issue considering he was running a 10 paddle with 2 more hp and I was running an 8 paddle :roll:

and about the 500 not getting traction until 5th gear???? LMFAOROF I can tell you've never ridden in the sand or atleast have never dragged in the sand...see when your picking up a wheelie that means you have an overabundance of traction not a lack of it. you kind of got that backwards LOL

I guess I get it now my bike is a 3 banger geo metro and a kx500 is a NSX that wasnt giving it typical ricer response.

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Re: KX450F vs. KX500
« Reply #81 on: July 15, 2008, 03:53:09 PM »
soory i thought you were on a quad . and i wasn't putting you down . just sheading some light on things . as for not hooking in 4 in the sand yea . just 2 weekends ago we were in little sahara . loose sand . had to move to the  back of the seat to get the front end up but it was coming on over if i stayed there. now on asphalt . just easy on the gas comes up , to much it spins the tire ( street bike tire).four stroke 2 stroke we are all here to have fun .
race gas is fast but Q16 hauls azz.i still ride because i am not ready to have been that fast. i ride a kx500 because they don't make a kx600!ck k5abuser on youtube

Offline tharden

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Re: KX450F vs. KX500
« Reply #82 on: July 30, 2008, 04:55:59 AM »
I like riding my kx500 but it is not about how much power you have. It is how well you can handle it.  You can probably ride much better than the other fellow on the kx500 and that alone can win you a race.  I am a weekend rider and not a racer so people on cr250s can scream by me on some parts of the trails as I am not experienced enough.  We do not have that much sand over here, but there is one trail I ride on that is in a sandy area, and I can say that is some wicked stuff.  Once you get use to the sandy trails they are fun to ride.

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Re: KX450F vs. KX500
« Reply #83 on: July 30, 2008, 08:29:15 AM »
You know It's also hard to say how well the K-5 was running or how well the guy could ride. When I had my gsxr1100 I got embarrassed by a gsxr750 because my carbs were shot. My buddy Joey blew my doors on my cr500 with his crf450 because it was time for a new piston and my bike was down on comp. My CR500 was stock and I was consintantly beating a guy at the hill, his cr500 had every bolt on hop up made. the last time I was at the dunes I was racing a guy on a quad that had an r1 engine in it and I kept beating the guy by a bike length then the guy who owned it hopped on and started beating me by two bike lengths. The new 450s run very well and could easily beat a stock kx500 if the bike was not tuned right, tired or the guy riding it was not that skilled. I have gone from loosing to winning with a main jet change.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2008, 08:35:27 AM by BDI »
Smoke every cigarette like It's your last and ride like you stole something!!!

Offline dsrtrider

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Re: KX450F vs. KX500
« Reply #84 on: July 30, 2008, 02:48:27 PM »
also depends on the gearing he was running.  if he had his geared for desert and not climing and depends on rider skill etc.  if everything was geared the same (i mean both for hills) you could ride his bike and check your time to top of a hill then switch bikes and get your bikes time to top and see differnece.  i used to do that with my brothers cr500 and my kx500.  we would race dumont competition hill and then switch to see if it was the rider or bike.  with both stock moto gearing he would pull mine by half a bike length regarles of who was riding it.  my bike was faster and more stable however when we were cruising the wide open desert regardless of rider.
current bike 2007 ktm 300 xc-w - keeping two strokes alive
1994 kx500 -sold-made me the man i am today

1990 kx500-sold
1982 kx250-sold
1979 rm125-sold
1978 kdx125 -sold
1977 xr75 - first bike

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Re: KX450F vs. KX500
« Reply #85 on: July 30, 2008, 04:50:52 PM »
I agree with all that.  My 450 is a wicked weapon that makes me feel like superman.  It will NOT beat a KX500 in a drag, regardless of conditions. It is a lot of fun though. Cam. 


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Re: KX450F vs. KX500
« Reply #86 on: August 09, 2008, 04:05:52 AM »
So what is your guys reasoning on why im lying :roll:  becuase it has 2 more hp...or just the fact that its your guys favorite dirtbike???

I just want to know your guys reasoning as to why i'm a complete liar.

Also why dont you feel your 450 would ever beat a 500 regardless of condition?? what bike do you have?

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Re: KX450F vs. KX500
« Reply #87 on: August 09, 2008, 05:16:58 AM »
I never said you are lying and I don't think any one else did.I think what you say is very possible Infact I see it happen all the time at the dunes. I think 150 to 165 pound riders on 450s tend to be some of the fastest bikes at the hill. Weight is everything and it all depends on how the cards are stacked. If you figure 7 pounds is one horse, and say for example a 450 makes 58 and a 500 makes 65 thats like the 500 weighs 49 pounds less then the 450. Now put a 175 pound rider on the 450 and 225 pound rider on the 500 and you are going to have a tight race infact the guy on the 500 is probably going to loose do to the fact that the heavy guy on the 500 has more mass to get out of the hole and start moving. At the hill most people ask "what have you done to your bike?" I never ask that, I could give a s**t less about that, I always ask how much do you weigh?. Now let me talk some s**t my 500 will destroy a 450 with a 150 pound rider on it, at the hill by half a hill with me on it weighing in at 225 naked. I could take a kx500 engine apart and do nothing more then machine work and put it back together buying nothing but gaskets and make it so much faster then a 450 it would cost a thousand dollars in cams and big bore stuff to catch back up.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2008, 06:58:24 AM by BDI »
Smoke every cigarette like It's your last and ride like you stole something!!!


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Re: KX450F vs. KX500
« Reply #88 on: August 09, 2008, 11:29:55 AM »
....... It will NOT beat a KX500 in a drag, regardless of conditions....... 

Thats a direct quote 2 post right above the one you just posted :roll:   If he believes what he a complete liar becuase I contradict what he said..... and also I dont give a flying s**t what you have done to your kx500 or what stewart has done to his 500, I can bet they are fast as s**t and would humiliate me, I didnt race you OR stewart and like I already posted before, I never claimed too so quit bringing up how fast your modded 500's are this is supposed to be a 450 vs 500 thread not a "70hp 450 vs 80hp 500 thread"  or a god d**n stock 450 vs 100rwhp kx500 thread........go race your stock kx500 vs a stock 450 and post the results win or lose it dosent matter......thats all I shared when somebody asked was my stock 450 vs a 500 and all hell breaks loose.....

I raced  a 500 and beat it and now all the other 500 riders are getting butt hurt and threatining me with there modded 500s lmao

"Hey Jonathan beat a 500!!! LETS GET HIM!!!!!!11!!1!1one!!11"

This has got to be BY FAR the most opinionated forum i've ever been on bar none.

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Re: KX450F vs. KX500
« Reply #89 on: August 09, 2008, 11:46:19 AM »
WoW you are a little up tight  :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: You need to take it easy :lol: :lol:. All I'm saying is how detuned the 500 is. But any way I didn'nt jump you atleast I didn't think so. I really don't think kxcam was calling you a lier. crf450r is what he rides and I think he stated his bike would not beat a kx500. I also think I tried to say that I believed you I see it all the time. Drag racing dirt bikes is my hobby I see all kinds of Bikes loose to all kinds of other Bikes you would not expect. I'ts almost like your looking for a fight or maybe you had to much caffeine this morning or somthing. By the way how much do you weigh?
« Last Edit: August 09, 2008, 12:02:01 PM by BDI »
Smoke every cigarette like It's your last and ride like you stole something!!!