Author Topic: what bones have you broken riding  (Read 5936 times)

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Offline KX500freak

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Re: what bones have you broken riding
« Reply #15 on: March 14, 2008, 11:36:00 AM »
 :-o :-o

unbelieveable you,re still on this earth BBB
what a scary list you have there,
thought i,d seen death in the eyeball due to me bikeacc.
but you saw him several times ...
glad to have you still around  :lol:
Dutch Team Green 91-94-01 KX500

Offline bigbellybob

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Re: what bones have you broken riding
« Reply #16 on: March 14, 2008, 01:12:01 PM »
like BDI most of my pain came from bmx. i have backed off a lot, but i know for a fact BDI has not. he will still sack up and hit big stuff.





Offline TheGDog

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Re: what bones have you broken riding
« Reply #17 on: March 19, 2008, 04:19:59 AM »
d**n man... y'all are either some serious squids... or have no concept of what your riding skillz truly are.

The only bone that's ever been broken on a motorcycle was when I was 17 on my street bike coming home from highschool.  Some a$$hole made an illegal left-hand turn trying to enter into a gas station and T-Bone'd me near the corner of Carson Blvd. and Figueroa Blvd right across the street from Harbor General UCLA Medical Center.

It was the MetaTarsal bone of my "ring" toe.  It would set... they had to put a pin in it for awhile, then take it back out later.

Broke collarbone twice on huge Mountain bike jumps.  1st one... the front-tire burst on the ladningns from the repeated attempts that day.  2nd one, I bailed off the to side on a landing jump so I wouldn't loop backwards... the Ortho Dr. and I figured I must not have healed properly from the 1st break.  I wore a bone-growth stimulator for a lil bit and that seemed to do the trick.  Collar bones can be tricky lil things.

Um... cracked a finger bone once up in the Santa Barbara "Mission Trail" on Downhill MtnBike.  Was frustrated with the slowness of a member of the riding group in front of me... it was an extremely rocky and extremely steep section... I pulled out around him.. hammered through some insane rocks "BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM!... passed him... then there were two large railroad ties embedded into the trail horizontally to prevent erosion... the trail was very steep... I was leaned all the way back as I could... managed to roll over the edge of the 1st one... couldn't quite roll-over the edge of the 2nd one she wanted to tip over and I went over the bars... the lever getting crunched back into my finger upon hitting the ground is what did it.

Thee most painful dirt bike inujury I've ever had... I went over the bars on this modestly whooped section... at first landed on shoulders with body still up in the air... and the landing ended in a sort of whipping action that horrible body slammed by tail-bone area into the hard-pack dirt.  Still in shock... I gingerly pushed the bike home approximately 9-12 blocks.   My whole lower back went black/purple with bruising in 30 minutes.  I've never been quite the same in that area ever since.   THAT... was the meaning of PAIN!!!  Broken bones DO NOT hurt like the way THAT does.  Major soft-tissue trauma...  and like all these muscles and ligaments all come together on/over your coccyx too.

The crazy thing is that there really are no good protection products available to gaurd that area the way it truly deserves to be guarded.  :-(
'97 PC800 + '96 KX 500 + '90 KDX 200 + 2000 XR50R (for the lil guy!)


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Re: what bones have you broken riding
« Reply #18 on: March 31, 2009, 10:10:00 AM »
Collar bone and 2 ribs. 03/06/2009    :oops:
« Last Edit: March 31, 2009, 10:34:42 AM by »
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Re: what bones have you broken riding
« Reply #19 on: March 31, 2009, 10:37:12 AM »
i broke both ankle on a dirt bike when i was a kid(im not going to say i was running from the cops) then a month ago i did not show enought respect for my k5 and it cast me a seperated shoulder(its about 75% healed).
i broke my knee cap(yes the cap) on  the handlebars of an old yamahaaaaaa dirtbike(came to a suden stop)
i broke both wrist when a rope swing broke(fell about 30'into a dry creek gullie)
i blew the tips of my first and second fingers off on my right hand(dont play with fireworks)
and many a fingers and knuckles in my ruff and tumble days 8-)
lets ride

Offline khaavet

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Re: what bones have you broken riding
« Reply #20 on: March 31, 2009, 11:59:02 AM »
WOW that is some pretty crazy stories i was the guy that never broke anything no matter what i did
i did have the nick name off hobalong or crutch because i was always limping or on crutches when i was younger from crasing my dirt bikes (most on the street) had a couple concussions from falling off things like an over pass my dads balconey couple hurt wrists from skate boarding (my right thum is still bad after 10 years) and my worst was going of a jump on my 250 tottally of balance came down front tire first like a jet plane lots of dust and noise and ooouccch shoulder hurt   (ac separation) bone standing straight up in shoulder. had to ride one handed back 10 miles in the dark not a happy day but you play you will pay. its all good  :-D :-D
my bikes
kx 70
kx 80
cr 250
yz 490
yz 125
yz 250
zx 636r (for sale)
1990 kx 500 current bike

Offline KXcam22

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Re: what bones have you broken riding
« Reply #21 on: March 31, 2009, 01:33:52 PM »
Not too many for me riding.  One big 80mph over the bars crash: left collarbone, nose, separated shoulder, bruised kidney.  Greenstick tibia fracture trying to kick start 400 maico with loafers on. Mid-air colision in the Kingdome got me a broken hand  (I was racing with the greentsick tibia taped up and a huge borrowed boot on), and getiing cocky on a triple jump (did 2-3/4) got me a right broken collarbone and partial A/C separation.  The funny thing is that they all still hurt. Getting old sucks. Cam.