d**n man... y'all are either some serious squids... or have no concept of what your riding skillz truly are.
The only bone that's ever been broken on a motorcycle was when I was 17 on my street bike coming home from highschool. Some a$$hole made an illegal left-hand turn trying to enter into a gas station and T-Bone'd me near the corner of Carson Blvd. and Figueroa Blvd right across the street from Harbor General UCLA Medical Center.
It was the MetaTarsal bone of my "ring" toe. It would set... they had to put a pin in it for awhile, then take it back out later.
Broke collarbone twice on huge Mountain bike jumps. 1st one... the front-tire burst on the ladningns from the repeated attempts that day. 2nd one, I bailed off the to side on a landing jump so I wouldn't loop backwards... the Ortho Dr. and I figured I must not have healed properly from the 1st break. I wore a bone-growth stimulator for a lil bit and that seemed to do the trick. Collar bones can be tricky lil things.
Um... cracked a finger bone once up in the Santa Barbara "Mission Trail" on Downhill MtnBike. Was frustrated with the slowness of a member of the riding group in front of me... it was an extremely rocky and extremely steep section... I pulled out around him.. hammered through some insane rocks "BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM!... passed him... then there were two large railroad ties embedded into the trail horizontally to prevent erosion... the trail was very steep... I was leaned all the way back as I could... managed to roll over the edge of the 1st one... couldn't quite roll-over the edge of the 2nd one she wanted to tip over and I went over the bars... the lever getting crunched back into my finger upon hitting the ground is what did it.
Thee most painful dirt bike inujury I've ever had... I went over the bars on this modestly whooped section... at first landed on shoulders with body still up in the air... and the landing ended in a sort of whipping action that horrible body slammed by tail-bone area into the hard-pack dirt. Still in shock... I gingerly pushed the bike home approximately 9-12 blocks. My whole lower back went black/purple with bruising in 30 minutes. I've never been quite the same in that area ever since. THAT... was the meaning of PAIN!!! Broken bones DO NOT hurt like the way THAT does. Major soft-tissue trauma... and like all these muscles and ligaments all come together on/over your coccyx too.
The crazy thing is that there really are no good protection products available to gaurd that area the way it truly deserves to be guarded.