The bike I learned to ride was a 74 suzuki ts 185, my dads bike(still got it). I can remember him riding me when I was way too young to be on a bike, with two belts hooking me and him together, what a blast. Then when I was around 13 I found two bikes in the back of a neighbors house. My friend got a 79 RM 125 for free(bad shape) and I got a 78.5 RM 250c-2 in a box with a manual for $50 bucks. Still got it today, a blast to ride and a bit pipey. Then I moved up too a 92 KX500, rode it for years then traded for a 96 CR 250, man I went from driving a brick to a bike that would handle but lacked that top end hit that makes a 500 a 500. Sold that one and later on picked up a brand new 2000 kx500 that I till own today.