First dirtbike riding I ever did not as a passenger was on a HODAKA Dirt Squirt 100cc at about 12 yrs old. I beat the ever-loving sh!t outta that thing just to keep the rest of'em still in my view as they went bombing along in Victorville on plush long-legged Husky 250 XC's and Husky 430WR's. Man oh man... I've ridden a Hodaka on some amazingly technical trails too.
Anyhoo... next came the neighbors HODAKA SuperRat. Also a 100cc... shifted IN REVERSE ORDER... had Honda Elsinore Rear Shocks put on it... never been on a bike since that could turn THAT darn sharp. And boy did that engine seem miles more hyped than the Dirt Squirt.
Then my first "Big Bike"... a '78 Husky 125CR we bought off that same neighbor guy who was pretty much a hotshoe rider as I remember at the time (although I know the me of today could smoke the him of back then).
I'd occasionally get to ride the StepDad's '82 250 XC. d**n that thing was TALL!!!! 39" seat height!!! But I'll tell ya this though... not even a K5 could blast thru gnarly sand-whoops as plush as that thing did... but really the only way to turn it sharply was to come into a turn hot and slide the back-end with rear brake, then blast the clutch and throttle.
Then there was a hiatus for a while... then picked up dirt riding again with a'96 DR350SE Dual Sport. Quickly found myself pushing that thing past it's limits... back to dealer nenxt year and traded-in for a '97 RM250. d**n that thing was amazing once the suspension sag was dialed in.
then I got the not-so-bright idea that I'd trade-in my [bought new '98 PC800 not paid for] and my [paid for RM250], for a DRZ400S in '00. The two previous bikes were a wash financially... so it was just them taking them off my hands.
The DRZ was alright in the dirt after getting re-sprung.. but still too heavy. But I then realized it would NOT work for my occasional needs to bomb down the 405 for 45 miles each way which a sometimes have to do for work.
Then some more life drama... um... then I sold the DRZ and went back again for some more street riding for a while... then in like '06 I picked up an '01 KTM 450 MXC Daul Sported with Cali Plates. Was a sweet bike... only had 1 real dirt ride on it... then got married again.... got pregnant... her job situation looked iffy... nervous sold the 450 for some extra cash just in case... she got new job.. worries alleviated.. Papa wanted his toys back... bought a '90 KDX 200 and was gonna restore it... then realized it really wasn't worth the money it'd truly need to get it up to snuff for my needs personally so I gave that to my younger bro beginning of this year when low and behold I spotted this sweet a$$ '96 KX 500 for only $1250.00

I also sold the FZ-1 I had because it kinda felt like maybe it was gonna try to start giving me transmission problems.
And since now I have a 6 mo old... I went the sensible route for the street ride and went back for another PC800... which is like the most versatile and comfy street ride ever with like the lowest possible maintenance you can imagine.
.. now my first street ride was a '76 Yamaha RD125 (twin cylinder 125cc 2-Stroke!)
Then came the '82 Suzuki GS450
Then the '84 XL200 (LOVED this BIKE!)
Sometimes had to borrow brother's old Honda CB450 tank
let's see......then I inherited StepDad's Honda Ascot VT500
Then there was a '93 GSXR 750 (YEAH BABY!!!)
then a hiatus from street... then...
'96 Suzuki Bandit 600cc which I tried to use for commuting from WestLA down to my new job in "The OC"... but I quickly realized the Bandit wasn't gonna cut it because it had soooo much vibration in the crotch area that i felt like I had to piss all day once i arrived at the job.. was in agony... like 1 month later had to go back to dealer and flip it around for something better for long distance freeway jaunts..
thats when I 1st bought my '98 PC800. I was dumb to ever let that bike go. But I did as i mentioned above.
then another street haitus while I played back aorund in the dirt again...
Then got an 2001 Yamaha FZ-1.. aka... The Wheelie Monster (<--- I Great Bike! BTW Highly recommend if you need a cummeter and don't have to carry lots of things on your commute)
and...uh.. I think that's about it. maybe forgot 1 or 2 in there.