Author Topic: Blackwater 100  (Read 3030 times)

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Blackwater 100
« on: February 09, 2008, 05:08:25 PM »
Did any of you get to run the Black water 100 in davis WV this was the 93 river crossing the people were a challange to get through
« Last Edit: February 11, 2008, 12:45:59 PM by js »


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Re: Blackwater 100
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2008, 05:25:04 PM »
I think there were 30,000 spectators at the 93 river crossing and 180,000 cans of beer. thats the race course in the water through the crowd. and they closed up and snaked it when you came through. you had to put you head down and gas it or they'd stop you at the bottom of the mud hill.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2008, 01:59:40 AM by js »

Offline The Flyin Hawaiian

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Re: Blackwater 100
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2008, 05:44:26 PM »
Im a 8 time veteran of the BW100! 86-93. I have many fond memories of that race and miss it alot. 1st time I rode it was on my brothers IT490, I skipped a French final in hs to race it. The morning I came home, my teacher called and made me take it right away. I think I got a D but I passed. The Blackwater was more important to me! I never trophied it but still had tons of fun. I have a bunch of t shirts from every year I rode. I just found them recently and will never part with them.
A couple of 03 and 04 KXs, a few YZs, 3 PE 400s, a DR and a TS.

Offline The Flyin Hawaiian

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Re: Blackwater 100
« Reply #3 on: February 09, 2008, 05:51:55 PM »
I seem to remember a green maico one year, I wonder if its the same guy? How about those peat bogs! My old KX500 worked well in them! Post more picks if you have them!
A couple of 03 and 04 KXs, a few YZs, 3 PE 400s, a DR and a TS.


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Re: Blackwater 100
« Reply #4 on: February 09, 2008, 06:01:18 PM »
that was one of the funnest races. there was a downhill section where you road over big boulders and it was littered with bikes. the pawn shop bike didnt have its brakes adjusted and I ran over three bikes and a camera man. remember the moon rocks section. it was easy for the bike but hell on the quads. I only got to run it once. I was 688th on the start. when I got to the first river crossing there were a couple hundred bikes stuck in the river and there was a couple hundred bikes in a bottle neck climbing the hill out of the rivercrossing. I had run the Mt.Bike race on the course the day before and we had to cross the river a few hundred ft down river. so when I saw the mess at the river I just went down to the crossing spot from the bicycle race then I tried to make my own path up the hill cliff instead of fighting the bottleneck. the KDX had a cracked reed so when I fell off the bike it kept running and drove itself to the top and layed in the grass waiting for me to get up the cliff. So I got past a few hundred people right away or I'd have never placed like I did. those pic's were of the crowd for the Quad race on saturday. It was worse on sundays race. 8 races your lucky to be alive.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2008, 05:27:58 PM by js »

Offline The Flyin Hawaiian

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Re: Blackwater 100
« Reply #5 on: February 09, 2008, 06:17:11 PM »
I remember the down hill, that drum brake equipped IT490 DIDNT have any brakes when I got to it. I lost them at the 1st river crossing just after the start. I would roll off of the top, pick up speed and lay it over into the side of the hill. I hit everything on the way down! The moonrocks were interesting, remember the rock wall that got you up onto them? It would be littered with bikes, looping out and laying all over the place! In 92, the temp dropped into the 40s and a freak hail storm happened! I even made the cover of Dirt Bike mag in 86. I could just make out me pushing the drowned IT out of the 1st crossing. There are even glimpses of me in various Blackwater videos. Now Im gonna have to find my videos and watch them!
A couple of 03 and 04 KXs, a few YZs, 3 PE 400s, a DR and a TS.


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Re: Blackwater 100
« Reply #6 on: February 09, 2008, 06:42:26 PM »
see if there one of a camera man getting run over. I think this is moonrocks pic and i think this other pic is blackwater straight away.

Offline The Flyin Hawaiian

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Re: Blackwater 100
« Reply #7 on: February 09, 2008, 06:56:15 PM »
I remember both of those areas. Thats definately the moonrocks. And I remember Jeff Fredette passing me on that straight! I wonder if I could sneak onto the old course. Id love to see it today. I wish I had pics like yours, Ill try to dig up some old pics. It was such a rush with 600 bikes lined up down the main drag. I remember being so nervous as my row crept closer to the start, it felt like my heart was gonna come out of my mouth! The memories are flooding back now!
A couple of 03 and 04 KXs, a few YZs, 3 PE 400s, a DR and a TS.

Offline The Flyin Hawaiian

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Re: Blackwater 100
« Reply #8 on: February 09, 2008, 07:04:43 PM »
The 93 crossing was nuts! One year, I remember tossing my 90 KX250 up the embankment only to come tumbling back down to the river. The crowd went nuts, they formed a human chain and dragged me up the hill by the back of my helmet, choking me, They dragged the bike up and tried to start it for me and sent me on my way. My bars were bent badly and when I got to my pits in town, some guy came out of the crowd with this giant pipe straitener and bent them back! After that, I started just aiming my bike at the crowd and they would get out of the way, revealing the good lines up the bank.
A couple of 03 and 04 KXs, a few YZs, 3 PE 400s, a DR and a TS.

Offline TheGDog

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Re: Blackwater 100
« Reply #9 on: February 20, 2008, 07:58:52 PM »
The 93 crossing was nuts! One year, I remember tossing my 90 KX250 up the embankment only to come tumbling back down to the river. The crowd went nuts, they formed a human chain and dragged me up the hill by the back of my helmet, choking me, They dragged the bike up and tried to start it for me and sent me on my way. My bars were bent badly and when I got to my pits in town, some guy came out of the crowd with this giant pipe straitener and bent them back! After that, I started just aiming my bike at the crowd and they would get out of the way, revealing the good lines up the bank.

What a bunch of Fockers... that crowd I mean... and obviously the promoters didn't have the resources to police the 'tards and get'em off the course huh?

yeah... sounds like using spectators for traction would be the hot ticket.. HaHA!!! 
'97 PC800 + '96 KX 500 + '90 KDX 200 + 2000 XR50R (for the lil guy!)