No cool programs here, but I have had some ideas even though they are much less ingenious. Like I thought about having an aluminum carb cover that was the same shape as the base of the air filter. The sides deep enough to use the air filter bolt so that I could thoroughly clean air box w/o getting anything in the carb.
In France they weld scoops directly to wheel like half of a snow cone, like your water wheel, for hillclimbing. There is also a demand for extended swing arms that have adjustable lengths and where the rear brake also works at every length.
Also like the clutch arm extended 10mm mod without just welding something to existing one.
Laser cut customized frame guards, case guards, brake covers, and chain guides with logos or riding numbers.
After-market clutch covers with the site-window, levers with better mechanical advantage and bearring pivots.
2 way radios, mp3's, and cams fabbed for secure mounting to the helmet.
Custom gas caps, oil caps, drain plugs, bar clamps, I could keep going but I have to get some work done, keep the custom fab work going, it helps the sport continue to evolve.