Turns out that after using the search engine and reading some different topics that briefly discussed this, I found one thing that seemed reasonable. Evry bike's manual has the testing methods and they may vary from bike to bike. By process of elimination, with a logical order, everything tested right except CDI. I still felt like I was only guessing and I didn't want to buy extra electrical parts as there's never returns on electrical parts. The manual suggests taking your coil and CDI to the dealer and let them test it to cover your a**, but I'm not sure they provide that service. I have a hard time getting parts on anything from dealer as it is.
This is what I learned as a summary. Flywheel is a big magnet and you would probably know what happened, if it lost magnetism. It would take a very hard hit to hurt it. Stators that have all wires connected are fairly bullet proof as well. Manual suggests cleaning contacts, if there's any question. Then its down to wiring, CDI and coil and their grounds. Visually inspect the wires for damaged insulator. Coil is pretty simple in design and can be tested easily. Power goes thru it to ground causing the coil to step up voltage to send out of the plug wire. Plug wire and boot can have issues on their own. Make sure all ground wires are all clean and tight. If all that checks out, then bammo you have to buy a 200 dollar ignition. Oh yeah, don't forget to eliminate killswitch issue. It unplugs from the ignition. It could get stuck and kill the spark.