Author Topic: First time out on a 5oo!  (Read 3703 times)

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First time out on a 5oo!
« on: December 29, 2007, 04:46:18 AM »
Hiya.... about 2 months ago i got offered this 87 kx500 for not alot of money with a few bits missing that ment it was a non runner, i took a chance and bought it then sourced the missing bits thru ebay mostly, im 30 now and havent ridden a bike since i was 16 and that was only an even older TS25o.
anyway, i finaly finished putting it all together yesterday and took it out a few hours ago for my first run in years....
HOLY SH!T?!!!!!!!! :-D its just daft! lol i knew it was going to be a quick bike but i think my arms are a couple of inches longer than before i went out from hangin on for dear life!
i cant believe its taken me this long to get another bike sorted, ill definatly be out again tomorrow, i only came in cos its absolutly throwing it down here and i felt like i was about 5 mins from hypothermia!
anyway it was just ment to be a quick post to say theres another kx fan here now!

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Re: First time out on a 5oo!
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2007, 10:59:31 AM »
Sounds like a kick in the pants... first time out on a 500 is alot at first, but eventually it tapers off and seems like the norm... be safe.


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Re: First time out on a 5oo!
« Reply #2 on: December 29, 2007, 12:04:12 PM »
Hi my names david and i have a problem . yea he's hooked . in time you will get use to it and it is amazing what you can get use to .remember my first time . like a kid in a candy store everytime i get on one. 
race gas is fast but Q16 hauls azz.i still ride because i am not ready to have been that fast. i ride a kx500 because they don't make a kx600!ck k5abuser on youtube


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Re: First time out on a 5oo!
« Reply #3 on: December 30, 2007, 05:57:20 AM »
it was a short lived victory getting it going, it was running fine yesterday, i took it out thismorning and it started fine but would only rev to a certain point then started missfiring, low down power was as normal but half way thru the revs it just died a death and refused to rev any higher, i pulled it apart and found water in the carb so cleaned it all out and started it again only to have the same problem there, i tried adjusting the carb and found that with it wound all the way in, it ran fine, reving free and what seemed like the full range of revs until she came out complaining about the noise.
i knocked it off and pushed it out to the field but no way would it start again, ive had the plug out and dried it off and got it running for a few secs then it just dies and wont fire unless the plug comes out to be dried off.
anybody got any ideas? i got a feeling the carbs goosed..
it just seems really easy to flood and even when it does run it doesnt wanna run right.

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Re: First time out on a 5oo!
« Reply #4 on: December 30, 2007, 06:24:24 AM »
take carb apart and blow every hole out good and then adjust the floats . it sounds like the float is sticking . fill the float bowl up with gas and put it on the carb while blowing though a hose where the gas line goes in . when the bowl reaches the bottum of the carb you should not beable to blow though the hose . if you can the float could have a hole in it  or the seat which shuts the fuel off could have dirt or the rubber seal is bad . good luck
race gas is fast but Q16 hauls azz.i still ride because i am not ready to have been that fast. i ride a kx500 because they don't make a kx600!ck k5abuser on youtube


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Re: First time out on a 5oo!
« Reply #5 on: December 30, 2007, 07:49:22 AM »
ill give that a go tomorrow, its just one one of them projects that hates me.
itll let me take 3steps forward and 2 steps back...
think i best keep my eye open for a new carb, will any kx500 carb work or does it need to be specific to the year for some reason?

Offline Hillclimb#42

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Re: First time out on a 5oo!
« Reply #6 on: December 30, 2007, 12:04:16 PM »
 We have all been there. I went thru my 97 k5 last winter. Went i put it together and got it running, I had the slide open about a 1/4" and blew it up 20 seconds into the break -in. Threw more $$$$ 's at it then blew the rear shock seal starting it that time.
 They are worth the hassle. Inspect the reeds. Where's the water comin' from? There shouldn't be water in there for any reason. Is it in the airbox from washing or what? If the floats are sticking, it will run funky and leak gas from the overflows, won't it? Whenever it runs fine at idle, but won't go, or goes but won't idle, I pull the carb, clean the jets and inspect floats and ALWAYS LOOK at the reeds. They are tricky to diagnose, because they fail in many different ways. Let us know what it ends up being!!!!!!!!


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Re: First time out on a 5oo!
« Reply #7 on: December 30, 2007, 12:47:17 PM »
are the reeds that important to them running on these things?
i think the water is from before i bought the bike, apparently it hadnt been run for well over a year.
id found a snapped reed but as ive never had reeds on any other 2stroke i didnt see it as vital,
i replaced it anyway, it was just strange the way it stopped reving, held wide open it sounded like it was on a rev limeter but obviously as way to low revs.

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Re: First time out on a 5oo!
« Reply #8 on: December 30, 2007, 01:48:41 PM »
 Yep, reeds are very important to performance. The age of reeds will probably be the problem. They should close completely and be free of cracks. I'm sure newer ones will be stiffer and give you the performance improvement you need. They act as a valve and get the fuel and air going in one constant direction.

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Re: First time out on a 5oo!
« Reply #9 on: January 02, 2008, 10:03:10 AM »
You've dried the plug, have you installed a new one? If not I would replace it, get rid of the old gas and clean the carb. My bet is the plug if you haven't replaced it.

A newer K5 carb will work, a 250 carb will work also but they are only 38mm so either bore it or run it like it is and you have a bit more bottom end.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2008, 10:07:04 AM by don46 »
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Offline Hillclimb#42

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Re: First time out on a 5oo!
« Reply #10 on: January 03, 2008, 03:46:40 AM »
 I had two corners break on stock reeds and it would idle fine, but would instantly bog with any throttle. I thought it was a clogged main jet, and I overlooked reeds. I reached down there and felt them to make sure they were still there and for some reason thought that was a good enough investigation. It took awhile to pull them out and find the problem. I have had many experienced riders say similar things about reeds not mattering. Some bikes don't even have them. The same thing with powervalves. I could have saved money on my rebuild on the k5, when my engine builder offered to weld it closed. He said it would work fine without it for hillclimbing. I admit to not being an expert. Most of the guys on here know more than me by far about 2 stroke performance. I am just adding to the conversation about my personal experience. When I explained what the problems and symptoms were and the cure, I had some wrinkled eyebrows for sure. Only thing that I can figure out, is that if its not broke don't fix it. If it is broke, fix the obvious first. It is always tricky to figure out causes of performance issues. I just tell everyone how the thing is acting and somehow I always start hearing a common idea that makes sense to check. It is usually visually obvious, once I get to it. Also it was brought up on here that the little guys in Japan figured out alot of the engineering already. You don't have to stray away from stock to get a good running bike. At least start with a solid stock bike, and trim and tweak to set it up for personal preference. My point is, the k5 is awesome, but they are all used at this point. With mine completely redone, I cannot afford to sell it. If you get a good deal on one, it is going to need work and $$$$$$$. If you band-aid it up just to get it running, its fun, but you do not get the full experience. The best thing you can do for it, is go over it with a fine tooth comb. Get it all solid and it will not do you wrong, but plan on keeping it.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2008, 06:45:22 AM by Hillclimb#42 »

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Re: First time out on a 5oo!
« Reply #11 on: January 03, 2008, 08:51:59 AM »
I had two corners break on stock reeds and it would idle fine, but would instantly bog with any throttle. I thought it was a clogged main jet, and I overlooked reeds. I reached down there and felt them to make sure they were still there and for some reason thought that was a good enough investigation. It took awhile to pull them out and find the problem. I have had many experienced riders say similar things about reeds not mattering. Some bikes don't even have them. The same thing with powervalves. I could have saved money on my rebuild on the k5, when my engine builder offered to weld it closed. He said it would work fine without it for hillclimbing. I admit to not being an expert. Most of the guys on here know more than me by far about 2 stroke performance. I am just adding to the conversation about my personal experience. When I explained what the problems and symptoms were and the cure, I had some wrinkled eyebrows for sure. Only thing that I can figure out, is that if its not broke don't fix it. If it is broke, fix the obvious first. It is always tricky to figure out causes of performance issues. I just tell everyone how the thing is acting and somehow I always start hearing a common idea that makes sense to check. It is usually visually obvious, once I get to it. Also it was brought up on here that the little guys in Japan figured out alot of the engineering already. You don't have to stray away from stock to get a good running bike. At least start with a solid stock bike, and trim and tweak to set it up for personal preference. My point is, the k5 is awesome, but they are all used at this point. With mine completely redone, I cannot afford to sell it. If you get a good deal on one, it is going to need work and $$$$$$$. If you band-aid it up just to get it running, its fun, but you do not get the full experience. The best thing you can do for it, is go over it with a fine tooth comb. Get it all solid and it will not do you wrong, but plan on keeping it.

I think that was very well said, spot on. When someone has a problem we try to relate it to our experiences, something that may have happened to us. I've had reeds fail, the 5 wouldn't start, but then it made some funny noises before that. Usually, if the bike ran good one day, and it was shut off, then the next day it won't run, I gotta believe it's something simple. When I have problems as described by oldkxscrapper, the plug is the first thing I check/change. If you have compression, spark and gas it should run, key word is "should". I didn't like the VM mikuni carb, that would be one of the first things to go for me, but then thats a personal preference. If you have a solid K5, they are practically bullet proof.
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Re: First time out on a 5oo!
« Reply #12 on: January 03, 2008, 10:06:53 AM »
ive gotta be brutally honest and admit to taking the bandaid it approach with it so far, i bought the bike without seing it and without knowing any history about it, all i knew was that it was a non runner and it was cheap enuff that if it turned out to be beyond repair then i could still make money on it by selling the parts on.
until i knew wether it was worth fixing i just wanted to get it running as cheaply as possible....
if the reeds can cause that much of a problem then they definatly need replacing as there not up to much at all, non of them sit flush, thats why i asked how important they are, ill sort them out asap...
the plug was new when i got the bike and had never been run although the last 2 letters are different to the one listed in the clymer manual, ill replace it anyway just to eliminate that as a problem.
the fuel is fresh so it isnt that.
once ive sorted them 2 main issues ill try a carb if the problems still there.
thanks for the help u lot, ill try 1 repair at a time and once ive found the problem, if i find the problem ill let you know just for curiositys sake.......
this running problem does explain why i got half the bike in a box though, obviously it out smarted the last owner and sold it off after giving up on it!


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Re: First time out on a 5oo!
« Reply #13 on: January 14, 2008, 06:22:19 AM »
i finally bit the bullet and pulled it to pieces last week......
im suprised it ran at all, who ever had that bike before me wants there head beating in with a rock!
ive never seen so many cock handed repairs in my life, that missfire i couldnt find?
im no expert but maybe a missing exhaust valve may have somthing to do with it.....
im not even going into what was shoved in the hole to fill it up.
as it turns out im glad i pulled it apart as the cases were full of bits of metal, way to much to flush out with oil changes, theres one of the forks off the clutch basket snapped off and abroken up clutch plate so no wonder there was so many bits of metal....
the good news is theres nothing major wrong that a general rebuild wont sort out.......
looks like im gonna be keeping the bike atleast if im spending a bit of money on it.


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Re: First time out on a 5oo!
« Reply #14 on: January 15, 2008, 10:14:38 AM »
 That's one example of why I feel that tools in the hands of idiots need to be regulated. Here's a few more:

 -I bought my KX250 with the right crank seal dobbed full of what had to be half a tube of RTV.

 -I tore down a buddy's YZ490 yesterday to find that indeed did have a new piston in it as the seller had claimed....but that it was installed backwards before being pulled with a truck for miles without fuel/oil reaching the cylinder and bearings :roll: