Author Topic: Guests need to become Members!  (Read 2618 times)

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Guests need to become Members!
« on: October 02, 2003, 12:05:36 PM »
We need to do whatever we can to get the "Browsers" and "Lookie-Lou's" to sign up and participate!

We also need to get forum traffic up. "Posts" and "Replies" are all that's needed there.


Well, I'm going to "Champion" this forum in some important "places", that's why!

Places that start with a "K"....

So, start asking those Q's and posting those "How To's" and let's start talking!

Also, I get the feeling that, before long, someone's going to make the case that the K5 needs to continue to be available! This forum will have something to say about that!  :shock:


The more Members, Participation and Demographic info...the BETTER!

Can we make it simpler and more enticing to join? Any ideas? Does "Monkey" have "special deals" for forum members?

BTW, I'm not trying to pull a Mutiny here, quite the contrary, I'm trying to maximize the effectiveness of what Paul's started. He puts in a lot of time and effort and I'm positive that everyone appreciates it; however, let's do all we will be a HUGE benefit to all of us everywhere.

I'm looking for input and "Intellectual" contribution: Rick...I'm sure you've got some riding too, Paul...I can tell by the words and photo's that I've already seen!

BTW, the other post I've put up,"What do you want...", well, let's have it. There's nothing stupid or ridiculous: You want some of that ol' purple stuff? Well, tell us! POST! REPLY!

Like the movie says,"Show me the Money..." (Dr.Evil!-That is!) :twisted:

We can make this place work for already does...but, I see a good potential for the K5 community to make an impact, a big impact on our market, with what Paul's started.

As you can tell,
I'm excited about the future...

I guess I'll never make it as an Environmental Lobbyist!

Manny :wink:

Offline Paul

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Guests need to become Members!
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2003, 09:16:31 AM »
Well... I think the one thing that have done - and won't be changing - is the biggest thing that hinders membership. That is that I won't require you to become a member to search these archives and read about things to find the information you need to make your bike run correctly or possible help you make a purchasing decision. WITH THAT SAID... I would love to be able to say that this IS the home for KX information. Period.

I think it is to be honest though, seeing how stats don't lie and this place has taken 140,000 hits since I started it towards the end of January 2003. We are averaging 15,000 hits a month, not to shabby :wink:

If you're curious, anytime you'd like to just click that "Stats" link over there on the main menu. There's only 130 or so of us here so that tells me we are getting information out to help people make decisions and fix there rides. The ooo-ing and ahhh-ing from Kawasaki etc... would be awesome but it's not why I did this, unless of course they want the most knowledgable place on the 'Net to start testing the factory stuff for 'em :lol:

With that said, I can understand the need to push a place like this to higher numbers to gain more influence, etc.. so come on in the waters fine :lol:


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Guests need to become Members!
« Reply #2 on: October 03, 2003, 09:56:09 AM »

This is the most informative model specific forum I've found for Moto! Period!

I whole-heartedly agree with your "Unfetteered" access to info, infact, it was your whole attitude towards this being a friendly exchange that really impressed me.

I hope everyone sees that I'm simply trying to be a "Cheerleader" on this very point.

WE are the K5 community...and, thanks to this forum and this medium, we can be contributors to the well being and outcome of this bike and it's future.

We are priveledged to have this place.

Thanks Paul.

Recently, I've stumbled onto some K5 faithful over at "Thumper-Talk", and in fact, we've got a new member from over there: Rusty!

BTW, I recently made a statement about "Being selective" and not getting too many "Yahoos". I bring this up because you can never be too careful...especially over on TT! (aka...Hondaland...)

Just me bein' me, :shock:

Manny...Let's RIDE!