Author Topic: lets hear about your best 2007 summer ride  (Read 4098 times)

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Offline maddoggy

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lets hear about your best 2007 summer ride
« on: September 03, 2007, 01:17:22 PM »
i'd like to hear about everyones favorite ride of summer 2007 and where was it at what were you riding and whatever else you want to share. this should be good, i think we'll see some good stories. MADDOGGY

Offline alan

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Re: lets hear about your best 2007 summer ride
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2007, 01:34:39 AM »
You may find them in "Riding Stories", I put them up into the sticky section. I moved them up there so they would not disappear as the pages of posts build up........

Alan :-D
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Offline maddoggy

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Re: lets hear about your best 2007 summer ride
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2007, 01:08:15 PM »
nobody has any 2007 rides they want to share? can't believe it.  MADDOGGY

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Re: lets hear about your best 2007 summer ride
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2007, 01:42:04 PM »
well, somebody has to get it started so here goes. my best ride of the summer by far was a trip to st. anthony dunes in idaho late july- early august. superb sand(thousands of acres ridable)and huge hills to climb. i rode my 91 k5, and had 2 friends with 1- on a ktm550 and 1- on a cr250. the first two days were blisteringly hot but still a blast, the last day it rained all afternoon then cleared up that evening which made for an awesome last ride of the trip. look for pix in another post. MADDOGGY

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Re: lets hear about your best 2007 summer ride
« Reply #4 on: October 01, 2007, 04:26:11 AM »
 OK, went riding first time this season.... well not really. I 've been racing just about every weekend, but finally got an off weekend to hit the trails. We hit BADLANDS the only sand dune park anywhere near me. It sounds like alot of you guys ride sand daily, but not that much sand in the midwest. We are usually somewhere between muddy and rocky, and I guess dusty sometimes. We like the sand, after a wash-out rain because it gets even better when wet. Or in the winter months or whatever. But yesterday we go because its an open weekend like I said. It hasn't rained much here and I guess that would explain the conditions. The sand was as slick as snow. It was typical in the sense that the bike was comfortable in a higher gear, and the front end was washing, but the back tire was ready to come around waaaaay easy. I know you guys will say, "You have to get back on the seat" or "Let some air out", but it was as slick as riding the snow. It was alot of fun sliding around like circle track bikes everywhere we went. When we decided to hit the wooded hills and trails, it was so dusty, that it was easy to hit objects normally easy to avoid. Lots of close calls with embedded rocks and sudden drop-offs. These trails are basically sand, or sandy soil mixed with roots and rocks. It really keeps you dodging and weaving while nailing the throttle. Very good for riding style. Thats when I know what it is I like about the kx's. The guys riding the cr's are talking about riding hard  in 4th gear, and I'm thinking 4th? I was thought we were just taking it easy heading over to some hard stuff. I could barely get into 3rd for some burping. Well, it was just for the fun of it. We did hit some fun dune jumps and climb some hills with 8-10 ft of vert with only one loop out. One more race in the season, and it is down to the wire with points. And then its time to get out the bow and arrows and take out the venison, who have knowingly and willingly put such a damper on this years crop yields in Indiana.

Offline KXcam22

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Re: lets hear about your best 2007 summer ride
« Reply #5 on: October 14, 2007, 06:07:30 PM »
I wouldn't call this my best ride, but I finally looped out the KX accidentaly.  Only my second ride this year.  Had a killer snow ride in March but broke my wrist (didn't find out until after the ride) and just never got out again until yesterday.  Went with some neighbors to an area close by (actually rode from my back yard).  As usual the K5 started first kick after sitting in the shop for 7 months and ran flawlessly. This riding area is extremely rocky, covered with sage brush with some nasty steep rocky hills, ..... nasty!  All barren hills with no trees for miles.  This is an area that eats tires so I rarely ride there.  The millvilles were pretty skittery up there with almost no traction.  Most of these hills start out loose and then get super steep, the top is a big step-up followed by a near vertical rock face.  The rock is rough like sandpaper. I was testing out my new steahly FWW so I figured go big or go home (should have gone home).  I made the mistake of following my buddy up the local "widowmaker" hill without letting the dust clear first.  After my buddy got stopped by the step-up I had to blindly(dust) change lines at the step-up.  Cleared the step-up no problem and then hit the near 80 degree rock face in picture perfect form.  Next was the first of 3 surprises.  I somehow forgot what happens to a reving KX500 when you go from no-traction to perfect traction. Oops!!  The rock face was scary steep, about 80 degrees or so and the KX did what KX's like to do, it vaulted right out from underneath me!   I was still hanging on (but not sitting on) and somehow instinctively I managed to execute the perfect midair wheelie 180 setdown, twisting the bike in the air putting it down prefectly on its wheels pointing down the hill exactly where I came from.  I was so astounded that I paused to mentally pat myself on the back for such a fantastic piece of "bikemanship".  Then came the second suprise.  The bike was pointed downhill on an 80 degree slope and I wasn't on it!  Gravity wouldn't wait and the bike launched straight out of my hands, downhill like a rocket. As I watched horrified as my KX wailed down the hill without me the 3rd suprise took over.  I was also trying to stand on the same 80 degree piece of rock, so I took off after my bike trying to ski down the rock on my boots.  This quickly turned into a 30' high-speed slide on my butt down the rock face.  I couldn't believe how fast I got to the bottom.  The whole thing happened in the blink of an eye, one blink and I was setting the bike back on it's wheels and the next blink I was sitting at the bottom, sans bike.   The rest of the day was pretty good. No wounds, no damage. Here is what I learned.

I am old.
I can't ride nearly as good as I used to.
Gravity is not always my friend.
Acerbis barkbusters DO bend.
My KX500 is lots of fun.
I need new pants.

Hope you all enjoyed this. Cam.
« Last Edit: October 14, 2007, 06:14:13 PM by KXcam22 »

Offline FactoryPhil

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Re: lets hear about your best 2007 summer ride
« Reply #6 on: October 14, 2007, 06:17:41 PM »
Great story! It is sooo amazing how that stuff happens so fast but we can recount it in slow motion! Glad you weren't hurt Cam.
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Offline maddoggy

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Re: lets hear about your best 2007 summer ride
« Reply #7 on: October 17, 2007, 05:34:25 AM »
hee,hee,hee, great riding story Cam. i can only imagine the horror of watching your bike solo itself down a gnarly hill. glad you came away with just a skinned butt. ooooh those darned unexpected wheelies. MADDOGGY
« Last Edit: November 16, 2007, 07:43:16 PM by maddoggy »

Offline FuriouSly

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Re: lets hear about your best 2007 summer ride
« Reply #8 on: November 06, 2007, 10:43:20 AM »
Waaaaaa.  I rode in June at Coral Pink Dunes in Utah with Arigato and some other peeps.  Wadded' myself up off "the Spine" and left some scars as reminders....  Didn't get back out on the KX5 until October 28th....  So no real summer ride.....



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Re: lets hear about your best 2007 summer ride
« Reply #9 on: November 06, 2007, 01:43:04 PM »
Those scars look cool though! :-D

Offline billygoat500

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Re: lets hear about your best 2007 summer ride
« Reply #10 on: November 06, 2007, 03:26:27 PM »
Ok this was the last ride, two weeks ago.  I took my friend out to Waiparous to do some riding. I loaned my yz-490 to him so he could ride. we got on the bikes and rode to Margaret Lake.  It took 20 mins. to get to the lake and three hours to get back to the truck.  We got a little lost on the way back.  The wind has downed lots of trees making the trails look totally different. we missed the connecting trail back and my map was in the truck.SO we hit this trail that normally connects us back to the main loop. This trail is three small mountains in a row,with rocks and washed out ruts. We went up the first mountain and down, then up,then down ( by this time we are totally bagged) when we got up to the top of the third mountain we found that our efforts were futile. The wind has knocked all the trees dowm over the cutline.  So here we go, up,down,up,down and up. but wheres my buddy?  Oh he's on the other side of the humungus hill with a slipping clutch.  He musthave been slipping the clutch cause the 490 hooks up real good.  The clutch springs were too hot.  So finally I could here the sound of the 490 comming over the hill and we had to decide on how we're getting back. We sure as hell weren't going back the way se came so we rode to the end of the valley into Hunter Valley and took the road back to Waiparous Valley, and all the way around to the Truck (total 40 kms) and Like  10 000 vertical feet, one burn't clutch and a sore body for a week.
The 490 was out of fuel when we got to the truck and the 5hunny had mabee a shot glass of fuel in it.  Next time bring the map.  This ride may have been the most exhilerating ride of my life.  For sure never done That many huge hills in a row. But I couldn't ask for a better bike to climb with: the BILLYGOAT 500!!!

Offline Kawasakinut

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Re: lets hear about your best 2007 summer ride
« Reply #11 on: November 13, 2007, 11:38:45 AM »
don't forget your compass


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Re: lets hear about your best 2007 summer ride
« Reply #12 on: November 19, 2007, 10:16:39 AM »
My only regret about the best ride of the summer was that it occurred on a <gasp> KTM and not a KX, but here's the full report:

Offline maddoggy

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Re: lets hear about your best 2007 summer ride
« Reply #13 on: November 19, 2007, 01:04:16 PM »
KaTooMer, its all good man. alot of us have bikes and atv's other than kx's. the fresh air and the ride are what counts. oh ya, and taking your kids along too.