Author Topic: These things are FAST!  (Read 17879 times)

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These things are FAST!
« on: September 09, 2003, 10:44:30 AM »
Well, it's 1990 alll over again!

Remember when K-A-W-A-S-A-K-I started it all in 1990 with the FIRST(!) perimeter framed KX250? I DO! I've got a bunch of Golden State Series and So.Cal MX trophies to remind me. The bike was an unfair advantage in the ruff stuff.

Well, I've had a couple of opportunities to throw a leg over the KXF and I've gotta tell ya...It's 1990 all over again!

These things are lighter/tighter handling than their 2-stroke brethren (Kinda unfair that the KX's don't get the new chassis yet...) and they've got the low-end that the Blue, Red and Orange guys can't find (to be fair I guess I should call it "Low-Mid" power...and, yes, I left the Yellow guys out of it 'cause they're our cousins nowa days!)

So, while I'm "Down" in So. Cal this last week-end, I hear that just about everybody is sold out of 'em for several months and/or...they're costing mucho dinero (That's Calexican for "Too d**n much money"...I guess you've gotta live in the So. West to get's like Arnold saying,"California"). Oh, and there's -1- at Chapparal on the floor that is -mistakenly- not spoken for, yet-or-as-of last nite...

Well, don't cry my peeeps (Cali-Ebonics for "My Brothers"...Fo Shizzle my Nizzle....):

I'm pretty cinfident that I can get as many as 10 for at/or under $6k out the door with Cal. tags and taxes. Less for those of you who are smart enough to live in the Socialist Republic of Oregon...(No Sales Tax!.....Hint, Hint...for those of you with family up there. For instance: There's a Kawi dealer in Roseburg Oregon that's very fair and usually has plenty of dirt scoots in stock....).

As I've said, if anyones looking for 'em and can't find 'em or feels that they're local folks are ASKIN' TO d**n MUCH $$$$$...e-mail me or send me a p.m. and I'll help you locate "A good deal".

Your Team(Green)Mate,


Now, if there are any Red-Coats lookin' to move up...just send me "Proof of Excrement Removal" (That means you got rid of that stupid-A$$ Red thing in the garage with the #4 on it and that you've thrown out your 'Brown Striped' R.C. replica undies....) and I'll think about hookin' you up with a kinda decent deal...say, oh I don't know...a KLX125...we gotta expose you the good stuff slowly...we don't want you hurting yourself by falling off your new K in the garage as you're "Red Racing" it at midnite on your tricked out carbon fiber ubber-factory "Race" stand...actually, get rid of that-too...then we'll talk.

Offline Paul

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These things are FAST!
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2003, 01:40:16 AM »
Have you ever been on the YZ250F? Thats the only thumper I've ever tossed a leg over at the track. No grunt and it took a lap or so to get it up to speed but man what a blast! Like a 30HP BMX bike :lol:

Of course the no grunt comment comes from 30+ Vet Pro MX'ing a KX500.


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These things are FAST!
« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2003, 05:23:13 AM »
The Kawi pulls harder & sooner and rev's out about the same. It seemed to be a much better "Lap-time" motor.

It was surprisingly easy to ride fast AND quick.

Just like the '90 250...they've raised the bar a notch.

One thing that sucks: Those A$$HO's at suzuki designed a motor that requires the coolant to be drained whenever you change the OIL-FILTER! (The filter cover is also the pump cover...dumbasses...of-course-it's due to SUZUKI content...which seems to be limited to the engine...hence, the pain in the gear-box...)


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These things are FAST!
« Reply #3 on: October 06, 2003, 06:51:51 AM »
If you hurry (you have untill the new year  California residents) you can legally duel sport a 250F even though its a red sticker bike!Its tempting me,but Ive had my heart set on a new KX250 2-stroke after I get rid of some bills.


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These things are FAST!
« Reply #4 on: October 06, 2003, 09:18:17 AM »
I'd get a KDX220; However, I'm prejudiced towards the things. All I've ever done on them is WON!

You can make on Helluva bike outta one for little dinero.



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These things are FAST!
« Reply #5 on: October 08, 2003, 09:09:45 PM »
Sometimes I think about a KDX 220,18"wheel,lighting coil and lights,case guards,lasts forever,easy to ride,lots of hop up potential,and the part my wife likes-its cheap!I dont race but I want some thing I can ride in the woods or MX on.Hmmm?


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These things are FAST!
« Reply #6 on: October 09, 2003, 08:02:34 AM »
You won't be unhappy with one. They start out a little soft; however, they're cheap to modify.



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These things are FAST!
« Reply #7 on: October 09, 2003, 10:07:34 AM »
I had a 1990 KX250....was a great bike. My little brother just called me up and said he just bought a RMF250. I asked him how fast it was and he said that it EASILY will WHOMP a 125 and that it was really easy to ride.

He also said it revs really fast.


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These things are FAST!
« Reply #8 on: October 09, 2003, 05:37:40 PM »
You know the day is coming (probally in Califonia first) that theyll out law 2-strokes,so as good as the 4-bangers are Im going to enjoy the 2-strokes as long as I can.

Offline John

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These things are FAST!
« Reply #9 on: October 09, 2003, 09:21:44 PM »

How does this bike compare to the 500? I am thinking in aspects of grunt and power? I mean, you really get spoiled when you ride the 500. Everything I have tried fails the comparison; KTM525, YZ450, DRZ400 etc. Then again, I haven?t tried a red 500...

The fact is, I love the 500; it's the combination of torque and 2 stroke mayhem that gives me a buzz.

If I change bike, it has got to be something similar - power wise that is. I know the 250 handles better, and it is 4 stroke. If I had one of these, I could ride it back and forth to London without having to worry about oil mixtures. Just stop at any gas station (garage as they call them over here) and fill it up!



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These things are FAST!
« Reply #10 on: October 10, 2003, 07:39:44 AM »
The 250f is a differant animal,lighter,better handling and theres pros and cons of the four stroke type of power.You cant compare it to a 500,two differant things.I think of it or any other bike as a second bike because if I could only have one  its the KX500!


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These things are FAST!
« Reply #11 on: October 14, 2003, 09:13:24 PM »
I rode with a friend I only get to ride with once in a great while who has a new YZ250F that he let me ride and after riding it Im likeing it!Its a fun bike and I weigh 190lbs,but it pulled me around pretty quick!Now Im thinking a KX250f may be what I want,I just wish they had an off-road model like the WR.Im keeping my 500,this would be a 2nd bike.It reminded me of the fun I had with my friends in 1976 on XR75's-thump thump,but a lot faster!


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« Reply #12 on: October 16, 2003, 06:04:21 AM »
Sir John,

I had responded to your question the day you asked; However, I somehow managed not to post it?

Kawasaki has a "Super-mo" they built for Chicken. It's awesome! The Kawi-250F pulls earlier and harder than the other 250Fs. With gearing and a coil it would be a fine street-bike.

Pipe and Jetting really add a lot of extra ponnies!



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These things are FAST!
« Reply #13 on: October 24, 2003, 08:27:43 AM »
Manny,you know I'm still thinking about the KDX.Did you have any problems with the piston on your 220,they say they brake skirts.I want a light for night riding, plus the 220 also comes with a o-ring chain,and you can get a 3 year warranty.I could ride the hell out of this bike for liitle $$$!75% of my riding is in tight woods and it's going to cost some bucks to make a KX250 woods ready,and I'm using it as a second bike to my 500 that I can use on the more open stuff.Man I wish I could make my mind up!


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These things are FAST!
« Reply #14 on: October 26, 2003, 09:53:03 AM »
I'm considering one myself; Although, the KX250F might work-out due to it's total "motility"!

The KDX can't be beat for the $...also, puttin' a pair of KX500 forks on one is a breeze!!!!!(No, I'm not nuts! Have you ever compared the weight of a well prep'd 220 v. 500?)

I rode a 220 at the Adelanto in 1999 and it was A BLAST! Started waaaaaayyyyyyy out back and ROOSTED a ton of people in the 2nd turn/super-berm by going waaaayyyyy wide and pinnin' it! Dave laughed at that so much that he did it himself and gotta hellova jump on the pack on his K5!

Believe it or not, that bike was really well behaved on the MX part of the track! Go Figure!

ALSO!!!!! The rear wheel fits your K5...or so I'm told!
