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Offline KXcam22

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Re: oxygen injection
« Reply #15 on: September 24, 2007, 08:06:38 AM »
  The idea is sound. The more oxygen you can get into an engine (with the appropriate amount of additional fuel) the more power you can make.  Turbos, Superchargers and Nitrous-oixde essentially do the same thing, just in different ways.  You just can't put pure o2 into an engine because of its affinity for exploding with oil.  That is why nitrous-oxide or the peroixde thing works well because it gets the O2 in there by using a non-exploding compound that contains the O2.  My last turbo used water injection.  Was excellent at controlling detonation and kept the engine clean but absolutely did not break down into O2 and H2.  You need a huge amount of electrical energy to do that.  Keep the ideas comming, BDI is have to think outside the box to get anywhere new. Cam.


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Re: oxygen injection
« Reply #16 on: September 24, 2007, 08:34:42 AM »
The Water-Gas shift occurs at around 800deg C, whereby H2O(water) and CO (carbon monoxide) reform into H2(Hydrogen) and CO2. So theoretically, if you had a rich combustion environment, so you had a surplus of CO, you could inject water and get some additional reactions:

C8H18 + O2 ---> CO + CO2 + H20

CO + H2O ---> CO2 + H2

H2 + O2 ---> H2O

The tricky part would be the oxygen. Since in order to end up with free CO molecules to fuel the Water-Gas shift, you would have to be deficient in O, where do you get the O needed to combust your H2???

You would need to have a twin, one cylinder with water injection and running really rich, the other cylinder running on a mixture of the exhaust from the first cylinder and more fresh air. Then again we all know what happens when you mix hot, fuel laden exhaust gas with fresh air... no spark ignition required!

« Last Edit: September 24, 2007, 08:38:00 AM by booneylander »

Offline BDI

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Re: oxygen injection
« Reply #17 on: September 24, 2007, 09:16:30 AM »
Wayyyy bad idea, oxygen does not like hydrocarbons. It will make a big explosion, ever wonder why your oxy acetylene gauges say use no oil, big explosion. bad, bad, bad idea, I like reading your posts, and would like to see you around awhile, don't do it.
Don you should not not be a negative Nellie you should be open to new ideas. I have been kicking around the idea of hydrogen peroxide injection ran threw a catalyzer. should be one hell of a jump In horse power we plan to test run It at Bonneville. :evil:

No Brian, I'm not being a negative Nellie, I would like to see Maddoggy around for awhile. This is the business I'm in, Oxygen is not anything to fool with, we've had explosions from just friction within lines while pumping. We do demonstration for kids, one of them is to put a drop of liquid O2 on a disc and then on another take a rag with oil and rub it across the other, the drop one onto the other, it makes quite an explosion, (this is in a controlled environment so the kids aren't in danger). Working around the stuff I've developed a healthy respect for it. I'm open for anything as long as it doesn't jepordize anybody;s well being.
      :lol: :lol: :lol: Don I was joking around. :-P
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Offline don46

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Re: oxygen injection
« Reply #18 on: September 24, 2007, 09:52:08 AM »
Wayyyy bad idea, oxygen does not like hydrocarbons. It will make a big explosion, ever wonder why your oxy acetylene gauges say use no oil, big explosion. bad, bad, bad idea, I like reading your posts, and would like to see you around awhile, don't do it.
Don you should not not be a negative Nellie you should be open to new ideas. I have been kicking around the idea of hydrogen peroxide injection ran threw a catalyzer. should be one hell of a jump In horse power we plan to test run It at Bonneville. :evil:

No Brian, I'm not being a negative Nellie, I would like to see Maddoggy around for awhile. This is the business I'm in, Oxygen is not anything to fool with, we've had explosions from just friction within lines while pumping. We do demonstration for kids, one of them is to put a drop of liquid O2 on a disc and then on another take a rag with oil and rub it across the other, the drop one onto the other, it makes quite an explosion, (this is in a controlled environment so the kids aren't in danger). Working around the stuff I've developed a healthy respect for it. I'm open for anything as long as it doesn't jepordize anybody;s well being.
      :lol: :lol: :lol: Don I was joking around. :-P

Brian, I know you were, I didn't want somebody thinking, hey this is a great idea, I'm going to get me a small cylinder of O2 and make some serious horsepower. Some of the safety videos that I've seen are UN-believable, when used properly great stuff. Anyway if a person wants to make additional HP go with the Nitrous it is a reasonably safe oxidizer, I say reasonably safe only because I saw a bike that looked like it had been dropped off a truck at 80 mph, supposedly a nitrous cylinder exploded. This was on a 4t, I suspect there was a stall and backfire with the nitrous on, the nitrous enhanced the fire and pert near burned it to the ground, there was an explosion of some kind, the airbox was nothing but bits and pieces.  As I had said before, I think it was during the discussion on blowing dents out of pipes, I have a healthy respect for any pressurized gas, including air.
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Offline BDI

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Re: oxygen injection
« Reply #19 on: September 24, 2007, 09:54:56 AM »
I guess I don't always think of what some one might really try. :-D
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Offline FactoryPhil

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Re: oxygen injection
« Reply #20 on: September 25, 2007, 03:31:13 PM »
It's not if you crash's when
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Offline don46

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Re: oxygen injection
« Reply #21 on: September 26, 2007, 04:23:20 AM »
Of course we have forgotten the most important aspect, the KX 500 components were designed for 60-70 hp, add another 20-30hp and the longevity diminishes drastically. The K5 rod is one of the weak points, I was able to get a titanium rod for my Nitrous bike, otherwise I'd be putting a new rod in every year, then what about the clutch and components, will they handle the extra hp?

There is a price to pay for being able to blow away your buddy, the question, is it worth it, probably! :-D
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