Sorry my situation is not as sexy... I bought a 5 x 8 utility trailer, which I've boxed in the sides, and designed a removable tailgate. I also built some removable wheel chucks to keep the front wheels from moving when the bikes are tired down. I've also added several tie down locations so I can carry / haul a variety of things. I tow the trailer with my 95 Jeep Grand Cherokee.
When I purchased the trailer, the wife was not happy.... (what's new) When I boxed in the sides and added the removable tailgate I made sure the interior size was 8' 1/2" long. I did this to ensure that when I went to the local lumber yard and purchased dry wall, or dimensional lumber ( 8'), that it would fit into the trailer. I can load up material and not have to worry about it on my trip home. After hauling just about everything you can imagine (lumber, drywall, stone, dirt, landscape debris), and lending it out to family and friends, she made the comment, "you know, that trailer is one of the best things you ever bought.". see I'm not as dumb as I look... (I know thank God for that...)