Yes I agree but It Is the epa that wants to kill two strokes not kawasaki they want to make money and win championships. Doing what I'm talking about would make money. If they did this they could just act like It was a happy coincidence they would not even have to advertise the fact, people like my self would figure It out and plaster It all over the net In no time. If the bike companies were so against two strokes Honda and Kawaski would not support service Honda but they do. You know It's funny I go to the dunes and at night I have a camp fire That I'm sure puts out more polution In one night then my two stroke puts out In a year. How far off do you think a ban on camp fires Is. The tree hugging, fanny pack wearing, birkenstock loving set likes to sit around the camp fire at night also so we probably won't see that to soon. You know I read one time that Off road vehicles added up to less than 0.01% of Califonias total polution problem.