I installed an EZ clutch assembly on the K5 about 2 weeks ago, rode it several times after the installation. Went to a Motocross on Sunday and rode pratice and first moto uneventful. Now for the reason I'm posting. The EZ clutch extends the length of the cable, therefore, I caution everyone to check and recheck that it does not interfere with the throttle cable. I thought I had it routed safely but turns out I did not. The clutch cable somehow pulled on the throttle cable during a right turn causing the bike to go WOT

. Thank god I was in a slow part of the track it wheelied and basically put me off allowing me to roll off the track and out of harms way. The bike had the worst damage in bending the silencer and breaking the rear fender. (Guess its time for the 250 fender fit) I got a few war wounds that I am displaying on my right side, but I'll heal.
Just be sure to check and recheck the routing of the cable. I'm still trying to figure out how on a right turn it pulled the throttle. If I figure it out I'll let everyone know.