The cases on the older KX'x, 86, 87, 88 are dimensionally the same, there are some minor differences, for example you couldn't use the tranny out of a newer bike in an older bike or vice versa, anyway the flywheel has a different diameter in 86, 87, 88, and 89, much smaller, then there was another change in about 92, I think, diameter was the same but there was some mod. Anyway, lest we digress, If you find a newer K5 ignition it will fit in your 87-88 motor, the timing marks are the same, there will be fewer wires on the newer unit, yours has 5-6 the newer only has 3, but then the CDI's are different as well. So if you can get your hands on a complete ignition, stator, flywheel and CDI (coil is the same) you'd be good to go.