Hiya Alan! We rode Glamis eight times this year before it got too hot. We love the place, and out there, big bores (two wheeled and four) rule the roost! let me see if I can give you some good intel: Permit and whip required=yes, 96 db sound rule this season=no, stock KX5 silencer=yes, Spark arrestor (even in the sand)=yes. If you have the scratch, I suggest throwing an FMF I.S.D.E. legal silencer/arrestor on there. I have one on my KX5 and it did not impact the performance much if at all. I think it may have taken a bit off the top, but fattened the middle. Just my .01999 worth.
As far as the week prior to Turkey Day...we are still trying to decide if it will be better then, or to take in all that is Glamis during T Day. Luckily, we all have time to kick it around and see if we can meet up to put faces to names. Hope I helped you out a bit.