Author Topic: compatible???  (Read 7542 times)

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« on: July 08, 2007, 03:25:13 AM »
ok i have two questions. first one is KX related the next kinda istn but oh well. lol
the first is i have a 98 kx250 what is the best kind of oil do i use in the tranny? ike synthetic or regular petroleum? ive heard synthetic lubes better but petrol wont let ur clutch slip like synthetic will. and what thickness like 5w 30 or what?

last question is my new totally awesome gf (shes a blonde if any of u remember from my fis post!) is great no problems. except... i dont even think it is myself...but she is catholic and im protestant. any conflicting issues there? thnx for ne replies!

Offline alan

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Re: compatible???
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2007, 03:43:55 AM »
The oil question has been debated many many times and with just as many answers! I think I am going to try ATF next time! You should make good use of the search feature and see what you can find.

Alan :-D :-D

I am not touching your second question! :lol: :lol:
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Offline Hillclimb#42

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Re: compatible???
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2007, 03:49:30 AM »
 DON'T use synthetic oil in crank case. Your clutch needs some friction to go. Synthetic will cause slipping and will coat the plates so an oil change won't help. I run 10w40 Valvoline and change often. That's what the manual calls for. If you want to run the heavy oils they will last longer between oil changes, but cost more. I wasted a set of clutches with synthetic oil and cost me 90 bucks. Starts slipping a little, then after warming up good, quits pulling the bike at all. Find a Clymer manual sometime and see what it recommends and go from there.
  Don't let religion stand in the way of a " totally awesome gf", I'm sure the Big Guy Upstairs understands.LOL :-D

Offline Platypus

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Re: compatible???
« Reply #3 on: July 08, 2007, 05:17:37 PM »
The oil is personal preference imo unless you have some killer data that would prove me otherwise.  I just follow my manual and change oil every 2-3 rides. 

Are protestants like people that protest or something?   :? :-o

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Re: compatible???
« Reply #4 on: July 09, 2007, 08:23:31 AM »
Don't use synthetic in your girlfriend and keep religion of any form away from your KX.

Theres no charge for my first consultation but the next answer costs :-)

Offline Friar-Tuck

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Re: compatible???
« Reply #5 on: July 09, 2007, 09:35:07 AM »
 I'm not touching your first question.! 
Well, I could but there are lots of guys here with far more hours on their bikes than I do.
      However your second is far simpler than you may think.
                  God doesn't separate people...   Men do.   
Both sides agree with each other 90% of the time and tend to focus on the 10% they disagree about.
 Funny you brought this up.
 The Catholics think I'm a Protestant and the Protestants think I'm a Catholic.
 ,       Shoot me a P.M. or e-mail and we can expand on the subject, (or anyone else for that matter)
 as I'm sure the rest of the folks might not be as interested.
  Tuck \o/   
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Offline Danger4u2

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Re: compatible???
« Reply #6 on: July 09, 2007, 10:45:30 AM »
I happen to be religious, am I a Saint, by no means.  I try to do more good than bad and I will deal with the bad things I have done in my life on judgment day.  In our efforts to keep this site a peaceful place we refrain from talking about religion and politics.  I'm also very political and started a thread about politics.  I had a member from the U.K. who may have agreed with me politically but did a "report to the moderator" about me starting a political thread.  It's funny, the report to the moderator came to me about my post.  He explained to me how he was on this site to talk about Kawasaki KX motorcycles and we don't have room to discuss religion and politics.  I thought about what he said and I was in total agreement.  I apologized to him in a P.M. and removed my post.  I'm not asking you to remove the previous posts,  I'm just asking you guys to stay focused.  Here are some sites that have more band width for the topic at hand.
Thank you for understanding this policy,
Danger4u2 aka David.
Post Script:  As for oil,  it's like exhaust holes, everyone has one.
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Re: compatible???
« Reply #7 on: July 09, 2007, 12:15:08 PM »
well thnx for all the replies!!!
and i dont think it is either. hm i wonder how many of u rember me talkin bout this in my first post? and she rides too shes got a yzf450 but im gonna introduce her too the KX. i luv her so much...shes my sammie!

and nah i bet its fine. so it shuld all work out and we got plenty of time. and i didnt mean to open up such a big debate bout it. lol and a protestant is a christian who is not catholic. good point too 90 percent agree 10 percent dont and thats what we focus on. least we dont blow each other up and shoot each other w/ ak-47s bout it...

lol i got some of the 10  30 petro stuff. i dont think synthetic is a good idea. BTW we took the clutch/ perch off an old 81/82 suzuki gs750t and it bolted rite on. now i have a big black darth vader clutch and a mirror! its pretty cool i wanna try it out
and we may put the brake lever/perch on there too. then ill have 2 mirrors and matching levers.

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Re: compatible???
« Reply #8 on: July 09, 2007, 01:31:27 PM »
I use Castrol mtx synthetic 80w MOTORCYCLE gear oil.  I never have had a slipping problem and my bike only gets ridden in the sand with a paddle and lots of horse power my clutch is heavily loaded.  From what I have read It is the car oils that are marked energy conserving they have friction inhibiters that cause your clutch to slip, moly or some stuff like that.

 Other than that what came first the chicken or the egg? :? The egg came first because birds evolved from reptiles and reptiles have been laying eggs for millions of years.
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Offline alan

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Re: compatible???
« Reply #9 on: July 09, 2007, 01:34:52 PM »
I am surprised that no one else brought ATF automatic tranie fluid, last time this subject came around there was a whole bunch of racers using it! :? :?
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Offline c-152

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Re: compatible???
« Reply #10 on: July 09, 2007, 01:41:07 PM »
I was going to bring up using the ATF but I think I brought it up on the last post.  I have never had any problems with it.  I change my oil every other ride.
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Offline BDI

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Re: compatible???
« Reply #11 on: July 09, 2007, 02:33:44 PM »
I used to think using atf was crazy but I rebuilt a automatic transmission a while back.They have all the same stuff in them your motorcycle has.The clutch packs look just like the ones In your motorcycle and there are lots of gears and bearing just like the ones in your Bike transmission I would say Its all the same stuff,just more of It In the car transmission. Now I'm thinking It might not be so crazy. The only thing I'm wondering Is are tolerances between gears different based on the recommended oil weight. A gear box that was designed to use 80wt might have more gear lash than a box designed to use 30 wt. I think atf Is something like 10wt :? should be good for some extra ponies.
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Offline Hillclimb#42

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Re: compatible???
« Reply #12 on: July 10, 2007, 12:00:34 AM »
I use Castrol mtx synthetic 80w MOTORCYCLE gear oil.  I never have had a slipping problem and my bike only gets ridden in the sand with a paddle and lots of horse power my clutch is heavily loaded.  From what I have read It is the car oils that are marked energy conserving they have friction inhibiters that cause your clutch to slip, moly or some stuff like that.
  I am sure you are right about that BDI. Thanks for clearing that up. You want as much slip as you can get in a 4-cycle auto engine, but you want appropriate oil for 2-stroke. I used to use 80w in my bikes, but my manual called for 10w40. The manual and the price difference, made me change.  I personally never have used ATF in the bikes, actually never heard of it except on this site. I also have been running my current oil 10w40 Valvoline for years with no problems. Does heavier weight oils cool clutches better or is thin better? Does anyone change viscosity for low or high temps?

Offline alan

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Re: compatible???
« Reply #13 on: July 10, 2007, 04:11:23 AM »

I know as was mentioned in previously many people who use ATF change it frequently. Why do you change it every other time you ride? What type of ATF do you use? In the old days there was just a couple regular and Type F for Ford. Now there are many different types and what are the differences?
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Offline c-152

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Re: compatible???
« Reply #14 on: July 10, 2007, 01:48:54 PM »
I use atf type f simply because that is what I have heard other guys who ride use - I know not very scientific.  I have used other atf and cant tell a difference.  I notice smoother shifting when using atf and have never experienced slippage.  I will say I just replaced a clutch but it was the first clutch since I have had the bike.  I would like to see if the oil would have any affect on the longevity of this clutch.  I will also say that my dad has put a grand total of one new clutch in a total of four years of riding his 87 yz490.  I would guess that it would be about 50 to 60 hours of riding time (he doesn?t ride as much as he used to).  As far as changing the oil every several rides I do it because atf is a lighter oil and I am concerned that it will break down fast.  I do not know why I do this because I have gone years without changing tranny oil in my car.  I asked my dad how often he changes his atf and his response was " yeah I should probably do that since I have no clue when I did it last"  He assumes it was sometime last year.  This means that has ridden all this season including a hare scramble - yikes!.  I will let you know if any problems arise but I would say the thing is over 20 years old and very few oil changes without trouble - ATF will work.  Saying that I think its rider preference and location (heat and such).
?There are only three sports: mountain climbing, bull fighting, and motor racing. All the rest are merely games.?
? Ernest Hemingway

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