I would like to throw in a couple comments. I have spent MANY hours in traffic court, a number of suspensions etc. No DUI's just hauling ass...
Anyway, here is the thing about your situation; what the cop gives you a ticket for and what he writes in his report don't have to jive. I.E. - he can write that he was in pursuit at 110 but give you a ticket for 20+.
IF you plead not guity the judge now takes the reins and can slam you with what ever he wants. The officer's report is available from the prosecuters office and/or court clerk (handy info).
So what I would do is set up a hearing, apear and ask for an extension for your plea hearing. Get a copy of the officer's report and decide what to do. This cop sounds like a total prick so I am sure he painted a grim picture, but some prick are lazy POS and you may have gotten lucky.
A lawer may or may not help. Unless it is a personal friend of yours they will tell you they can. I used an outstanding attorney/friend for a particularly bad run of reckless tickets (all in the same week). He told me he thought it was a waste of money, but I was 20 and pretty sure I was invincible... $5000 later I still ended up riding my mountain bike to work for 3 months (and I got a ticket on that too! WTF?!?! I HATE COPS!)
It is a corrupt good ol boys club and you have to know when to just accept that. On the other hand they are arrogant f_ckstains that often make mistakes which can be your out.
Steer clear of mentioning the officer's threats or that he was waving a gun in your face. That takes it to a whole other level and you won't win.
I hope some of this helps.