Author Topic: almost got shot by metro cop  (Read 3225 times)

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Offline BDI

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almost got shot by metro cop
« on: July 21, 2007, 06:58:19 AM »
Well I wen't for a street bike ride with my buddy Mike last night we wound up on the las vegas strip even though I know better then to go riding down there. We turned off the strip grabbed a couple gears made a right grabbed some more gears split some traffic at a red light grabbed some more gears pulled up to a another red light and was waiting to make a left when I heard a siren. A metro cop on a harley pulled up In front of me hopped of his bike and stuck his 45 In my face and told me he was going to shoot me and then started trying to push me and my bike over. I told him on his third try of pushing me over that if  he pushed me over he was going to have to shoot me. I guess he did not want to shoot me because he stopped doing It. I wonder what he would have thought when I pushed his bike over because that was the plan. I guess he had been trying to catch us for a while and almost T-boned a car he was pissed.It took us a while to convince him that we were not running from him they were going to take us to jail for felony evasion we just did not know he was back there. There was no less then 15 officer's there  buy the time It was done.We laid in the street in hand cuff's for a while, they towed are bikes, 70 in a 35 was the ticket and running a red light that we did not run (the 70 part Is true). They released us at the scene we hitched a ride with the tow truck driver who took us a few blocks away and let us get are bikes off the flat bed for $260.00 cash that I'm sure the tow company will never see then we road home. I think I will go ride my dirt bike tonight, O-wait Its illegal to ride your bike in the desert any more,there is a speed limit of 25 mph and You have to register your bike now thanks to all the nice people who moved here from commiefornia who brought their gay ass laws with them. The riding trail's that I grew up riding with my father are now hiking trails. Anyone want to buy a gsxr1000 It will break the speed limit anywhere in the state in first gear how's that for a selling point.                                                                                                                                                     
P.S. This took place In down town las vegas the sidewalks were lined with hookers and tourists and we created a traffic jam that went on for ever, good times :-D.
« Last Edit: July 21, 2007, 08:00:22 AM by BDI »
Smoke every cigarette like It's your last and ride like you stole something!!!

Offline alan

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Re: almost got shot by metro cop
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2007, 07:56:33 AM »
Good show! I think you should post this one in the riding stories! Cops are always getting in the way of some good clean fun! He He! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Offline adrenalinejunky81

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Re: almost got shot by metro cop
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2007, 08:57:50 AM »
Nice, he was probably pissed cause his slow ass Harley couldnt catch you just cruisin.

Not many gay-ass laws down here in AZ, although the Clifornians here are tryin to change that too.

See those LVE videos of them stunting all over Vegas? How do they get away with it?

Offline Timbowe

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Re: almost got shot by metro cop
« Reply #3 on: July 21, 2007, 02:30:21 PM »
What dick trying to push your bike over! God the cops just piss you off with thier fascist mentality and the way they think that they are superior and god like. 20 years ago this would have resulted in a slap on the hand and being told to settle down for a while. I think the training establishments for them now has become a brain-washing facility to turn them into arrogant asoles. In general the pigs suck. I know they have a crappy job to do but they should remember who pays their wages and at the end of the day they are Public Servants.
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Re: almost got shot by metro cop
« Reply #4 on: July 21, 2007, 03:11:25 PM »
be careful those guys get two weeks off with pay for a justefid shooting .....thats not a joke and some of them look forward to the vaction

Offline BDI

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Re: almost got shot by metro cop
« Reply #5 on: July 21, 2007, 04:02:20 PM »
Trust me at no time did I take this as a joke. I would take anyone pushing my bike over just about the same as some one running my kid over with a car cop or not. It was a very bad deal that Is going to cost me the ticket reads's70+ in a 35 that's reckless driving and might as well be a d.u.i.
« Last Edit: July 21, 2007, 04:51:10 PM by BDI »
Smoke every cigarette like It's your last and ride like you stole something!!!

Offline adrenalinejunky81

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Re: almost got shot by metro cop
« Reply #6 on: July 21, 2007, 10:47:29 PM »
Can you get a hearing on that? I had one about half as bad as that and got myself a suspended conviction on it by just talking to some official (been a while, I actually forget but he wasnt a judge). It meant I just had to stay out of ALL trouble/tickets in that town or itd be really bad for me, but after a year of bein good I had a clean slate. Its not like they can make it worse for you and most likely the cop wont show when asked to.

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Re: almost got shot by metro cop
« Reply #7 on: July 22, 2007, 12:34:23 AM »
 Everyone has the right to a trial, but there are some crazy laws in vegas. Might as well been doin wheelies in Tiajuana or on an Indian Reservation. I agree he was probably pissed because the thumper couldn't hang with the big dogs. That sucks that you live that close to paradise for riding and so close to Cali-weekness. Wouldn't want to run over a protected species of snakes or scorpions. I don't know your chances in Nevada, but I always fight tickets here, and have had very good luck. (knocking on puter desk) Sounds like you need a place to ride to get some adrenaline flow away from Metro!!!! :evil:

Offline Danger4u2

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Re: almost got shot by metro cop
« Reply #8 on: July 22, 2007, 03:07:24 AM »
I know this is long winded but it might help.
Last ticket I received that would have gone on my record was a 60 mph in a 40 zone.  The thing to do is to talk to the Court Clerk.  They know the in's and out's of the court system.  They will know the demeanor of the Judge you will go before.  I went to the Court Clerk and asked what I could do to keep the ticket off my record.  I explained to her that I knew better and was trying to be a good citizen and got carried away on the deserted road late at night.  No one was out on the commercial zoned area and I was just "blowing the carbon out".  She said when asked how I plead to say "I plead guilty with an expiation".  Looking the Judge dead in the eyes (very important) I told him how the road was deserted and it was a comm. zone late at night.  I told him I knew better and just got carried away.  He asked how my driving record was.  Without batting an eye I said "Your Honor it's been horrendous but for the last 3 years I've been trying to change and have not had a ticket in that time".  He turned in his chair and pulled up my record on the computer.  He says "Your wrong about one thing (as I though Oh crap) it's been 4 years since you had a ticket.  Long story short he gave me probation.  I came back 90 days later with my driving report from the DMV with no tickets.  My ticket was dropped and I had to pay court cost and pay into the indigent defense fund.  That equaled the amount of the ticket.  In Okla. the ticket price is easy to swallow it's the cost of Insurance going up for 3 years.  Main thing is start at the traffic stop to beat the ticket before it's written.  I always say, before the cop can say anything "I know better, you got me".  I try to get stopped fast, turn the bike off and put it on the kick stand.  Get off the bike, get my license and proof of ins. out.  Then lean on the seat and cross my feet at the ankle.  The trick is to make the cop feel comfortable that your not going to run and your a "good ol'boy" that was just hav'n fun that got out of hand.  And yes it sounds like I have experience at this because I do.  Back when I had my "youthful indiscretions" like running from the cops it was not a felony.  Now a days a guy can't have any fun on a street bike.
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Re: almost got shot by metro cop
« Reply #9 on: July 22, 2007, 04:24:13 AM »
I would like to throw in a couple comments. I have spent MANY hours in traffic court, a number of suspensions etc. No DUI's just hauling ass...

Anyway, here is the thing about your situation; what the cop gives you a ticket for and what he writes in his report don't have to jive. I.E. - he can write that he was in pursuit at 110 but give you a ticket for 20+.
IF you plead not guity the judge now takes the reins and can slam you with what ever he wants. The officer's report is available from the prosecuters office and/or court clerk (handy info).
So what I would do is set up a hearing, apear and ask for an extension for your plea hearing. Get a copy of the officer's report and decide what to do. This cop sounds like a total prick so I am sure he painted a grim picture, but some prick are lazy POS and you may have gotten lucky.

A lawer may or may not help. Unless it is a personal friend of yours they will tell you they can. I used an outstanding attorney/friend for a particularly bad run of reckless tickets (all in the same week). He told me he thought it was a waste of money, but I was 20 and pretty sure I was invincible... $5000 later I still ended up riding my mountain bike to work for 3 months (and I got a ticket on that too! WTF?!?! I HATE COPS!)

It is a corrupt good ol boys club and you have to know when to just accept that. On the other hand they are arrogant f_ckstains that often make mistakes which can be your out.

Steer clear of mentioning the officer's threats or that he was waving a gun in your face. That takes it to a whole other level and you won't win.

I hope some of this helps.

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Re: almost got shot by metro cop
« Reply #10 on: July 22, 2007, 10:49:22 AM »
So let me get this right...
He threatened you with a gun just for hooning about on the road with a motocrosser?

The numb fooker must have been very scared indeed to pull that crap over a poxy traffic offence, which is very worrying.
You could have got shot because some numbass copper was scared s**tless and wetting his nappy for a traffic offence?
They need better training than that.

Letting flatscan mouthbreathing idiots play with guns is not good at all.