Author Topic: MUST READ negative experience with European company that replated my K5 cylinder  (Read 1846 times)

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Hey all,
Well this time I write you about a very negative experience I had with a European company that replated my KX500 cylinder and sold me a new PRO X piston for the new size of the cylinder, this was  almost 3 months ago. This was the point were I started to spend time / more money and nerves on taking a part the engine for 4 times in less then total of 2 hours of use (all of them breakin ride) !!!!  each of the 4 times I had to  replace the piston and re honing the cylinder plating? As I am going to proceed with legal manners against this company I will have to ask
My lawyer if I can give names and tell you all before we go to court.
Promise that I will keep you updated and will load some photos and emails they sent me.


  • Guest
Well I got the ?legal? confirmation to put it out.

I had a problem with the cylinder of my KX500 1999, so I shipped it to the Netherlands
To replate it in , a company that proud here self in
One of the best replating in Europe?.
Any way, after they replated the cylinder they sent it back over with a new piston to
Match the cylinder size they did, I paid for every thing so we were all happy.
My mechanic suspected that the tolerance was to small but the people at POWERSEAL
Said it is ok ?because we know what we do??
With this statement the KX was on and running, I did the breakin period as I always did
With my previous motorcycles?. Until? brrrrrrrrr?. The engine blocked .
Immediately on the pickup to the mechanic, off the cylinder, this was the point were my eyes
Saw only black, It was all broken and I needed to replate the cylinder put new piston kit,
And new crank ! also put on the working hours , gaskets ect?
Of course we contact POWERSEAL, but they say can?t be our responsibility ?you will
Have to pay for all of it alone?.
Some of you might call me stupid as I think I am ? I sent it back to POWERSEAL, and again paid for ALL parts and every thing, I thought well they did one mistake and they
Won?t repeat it again.
Again sent money, got parts back. Put it all back and did 50min of slow ride and long
Stop after the first 25 min. at this point I took off the pipe to see the piston conditions and
Cylinder?. And again was shocked to find they were both scratched !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Email to POWERSEAL, this time they asked to send it back to see what was wrong, but
Didn?t want to take responsibility?. Sent it back to them (again paid for shipping and
Hours of the mechanic), and after 2 days they send me an email that say cylinder need to
Be honed a bit? and better also new piston. I was happy until I got another email? with
The account to pay !!!! those people are really incredible.
in the invoice I find that the size of the piston they recommend is SMALLER then the one
they sent me in the 2 first times !!!!!! ++ hone it to take a bit off  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

again I explain it to Mr. Bart (should be the manager) that this is the 3rd time !!!! but he and I quote: ?we did nothing wrong, and we are sorry to hear you think we sent you the
worng size piston?.
So, why did you honed it to get a bigger cylinder size  ??? why did you sent me an
Invoice with a SMALLEST piston rings size ?????

I asked them to send it back to me as it is. So before they sent it they honed it again?

What they didn?t know I got video and photos of the cylinder before I sent it to them, and
Took it to a mechanic of one of the leaders teams in motocross world championship, just
Have another opinion. Well this mechanic said the same thing: ? this is a problem of too small tolerance between piston and cylinder?.

I don?t know If I will take it to court as it will take to long and to much $$$. But one thing is sure , please spread it so such a thing won?t happened again to another rider !

That was a long one, hope I wrote it good and clear as speaking english is not the best
Thing I know to do.

Thanks for reading and spreading