I hope no one got the wrong impression about this post.
I certainly was not boasting. It thought it was just so ironic that the first trophy I picked up was dated July 4th on July 4th! These were the days before the movie ?On any Sunday? and yes, there were dirt bikes!
That was a great year; if my bike stayed together, I was on the podium. Check out this picture, how do you like my boots? He He! I think if I had not crashed I probably be dead. I was not ready for the 501 power and I was riding way over my head, but I was tired of getting my butt handed to me by the guys on the new Suzuki 400?s.
The track El Paso Moto-X-Park was a tuff track with hard dirt to soft sand to silt and loads of jumps and changes in elevation. When Steve McQueen was in town with Alie MacGraw filming Getaway my friend Bill that ran the track met them and rode the track with McQueen! He has always been one of my Idols, because he did it his way!
As far as the comments about suspension in those days, we didn?t have any! I rode one of the first Proto YZ250 mono shock?s when if first came out and I remember being amazed by the difference it made.
And Yes, It does suck to be old!
